of the
Second Meeting
Held with the
Armona, California
May 13, 1952
Next meeting to be held with
March 31 & April 1, 1953
MODERATOR—Eld. C. C. Middleton, 11516 Oklahoma, Hollydale, California.
ASS’T. MODERATOR—Eld. Allen Tabor, 1111 K. St., Sanger, Calif.
CLERK—Eld. Martin Canavan,
1310 Brokaw, Corcoran, Calif.
ASS’T. CLERK—Eld. R. R. Farris, 4645 Lewis, Fresno, Calif.
ARMONA—Bro. Keaster, Bro. Freeman, Bro. Parker.
BAKERSFIELD—Eld. Lee Wright, Mrs. Lee Wright, Henry Cloud.
CERES—Dr. H. T. Hubbard.
CLOVIS—Eld. Bill Porter, Eld. R. R. Farris, Eld. A. C. Drachenburg.
CORCORAN—Eld. Martin Canavan, L. S. Cotton, Dorothy Canavan.
DOMINGUEZ—Eld. C. C. Middleton, Eld. C. R. Lyon, N. O. West.
EASTON—Sis. White, Sis. Pettigrew, Sis. York.
EXETER—Eld. Bob Roderick, Bro. J. H. Dillon, Sis. J. H. Dillon.
FREEDOM—Eld. Austin Russell, Lige Burns, Douglas Burns.
FRESNO (Bethlehem)—Eld. R. F. Gire, Sis. R. F. Gire, Evelyn Smith.
FRESNO (McKinley)—Eld. Harold Hendrix, Roy Harness, Mattie
Perkins. GREENFIELD—Eld. L. J. Horton, Marjorie Horton.
McFARLAND—Eld. E. E. Crawford, J. H. Hefner, M. H. Hampton.
MODESTO—Eld. M. B. Hubbard, Eld. Jona Wright.
OAKLAND—Eld. Ernest Bennett.
PORTERVILLE (A. B. A.)—Eld. Jim Patterson, A. G. Hampton, Sis. Hampton.
PORTERVILLE (West Putnam)—Eld. M. J. Duncan, Bro. Metcalf, Bro. Henson.
RIDGECREST—Eld. J. L. Hawkins, J. E. Kephart.
RIVERBANK—Eld. Ben Crawford, Anna Crawford, Eld. G. A. Williams.
SACRAMENTO—Eld. H. R. Cole, James C. Cooper.
SANGER—Eld. Monroe Patterson, Eld. L. M. Branch, Eld. Allen Tabor.
STOCKTON—Eld. W. S. Goulding.
WASCO—Eld. A. P. Shoemake, W. T. Cox, M. L- Corcoran.
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Pastor—Eld. Tom Hicks, Armona, Calif.
Clerk—Dorothy EUis, P. 0. Box 159, Armona, Calif
Pastor—Eld. Lee Wright, 1604 Southgate, Bakersfield, Calif.
Clerk—Ruth Spain, 2832 Laurel Dr., Bakersfield, Calif.
Pastor—Dr. Travis Hubbard, 1621 Morgan, Modesto, Calif.
Clerk—Nellie Lucas, Box 146, Ceres, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Bill Forter, 441 So. Backer, Fresno, Calif.
Clerk—Marie Smith, 1070 Polasky, Clovis, Calif.
Pastor.—Eld. Martin Canavan, 1310 Brokaw, Corcoran,
Calif. Clerk—Eva Dow, 1304 Brokaw, Corcoran, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. C. R. Price, Rt. 1, Box 372-C, Kingsburg,
Calif. Clerk—Allie Keeling, Rt. 1, Box 274, Orosi, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. C. R. Lyon, 2679 Carson, Long Beach 10,
Calif. Clerk—Lillian Martin, 885 E. Willow, Long Beach 6, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Roy Bell, Herndon, Calif.
Clerk—Mary York, Rt. 12, Box 738-B, Fresno, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Bob Roderick
Clerk—Leola Dillon, 134 So. Quince, Exeter, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Austin Russell, Box 104, Freedom,
Calif. Clerk—Juanita Taylor, Box 72, Aptos, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. R. F. Gire, 1412 Fountain Way, Fresno, Calif.
Clerk—Marie Poole
Pastor—Eld. Harold Hendrix, 4649 Lewis, Fresno, Calif.
Clerk—Hazel Hendrix, 4649 Lewis, Fresno, Calif.
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Pastor—L. J. Horton, 54 Stivers Way, Salinas, Calif.
Clerk—Lorene Ford, Gonzales, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. E. E. Crawford, Box 1438, McFarland, Calif.
Clerk—Jessie Lewis, Box 411, McFarland, Calif.
Pastor,—Eld. M. B. Hubbard, 1621 Morgan Rd., Modesto, Calif.
Clerk—Juanita Jenkins, Rt. 2, Box 854-B, Modesto, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Ernest Bennett, 732 Nevada St., Oakland, Calif.
Clerk—Mrs. J. W. Clary, 4642 Alvin Rd., Oakland, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Jim Patterson, Rt. 3, Box 608, Porterville, Calif.
Clerk—Thelma Davidson, Rt. 3, Box 756, Porterville, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. M. J. Duncan, 1337 W. Putnam, Porterville, Calif.
Cleck—Roxie Northcutt, 597 Westside Dr., Porterville, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. J. L. Hawkins, Box 142, Ridgecrcst, Calif.
Clerk—Pearl Fite, Box 675, Ridgecrest, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Ben Crawford, Box 627, Riverbank, Calif.
Clerk—Gertrude Andrews, Box
1037, Riverbank, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. H. R. Cole
Clerk—Mildred Cooper, Rt. 2, Box 2284, Sacramento, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. Monroe Patterson, 1417 So. J. St., Sanger, Calif.
Clerk—Zelma Reese, 305 Oatman Ave., Sanger. Calif.
Clerk—Goldie Albritton, 1225 Roosevelt, Stockton, Calif.
Pastor—Eld. A. P. Shoemake, 1610 3rd St., Wasco, Calif.
Clerk.—Kathryn Trammel.
With faith in God, and unquestioning acceptance of the Bible as the Word of God,
and sole rule of our faith and practice, we offer to all Missionary Baptist Churches of Christ
the following Articles of Agreement.
The Cooperative Association of Missionary Baptist Churches of California.
The object of this Association is to encourage co-operation and Christian activity
among the churches, to promote interest in and encourage Missions on a New Testament
basis among all people, to stimulate interest in Christian literature, general benevolence,
and Christian education and to provide a medium through which the churches may co-
operate in these enterprises.
Section No. 1—This association shall be composed of Missionary Baptist Church-
es as defined in article number thirteen of the declaration of faith in J. M. Pendleton’s
church manual.
Section No. 2—The annual or called sessions of this Association shall be held by
messengers elected by the churches composing said Association.
Section No. 3—Each church co-operating in this Association is entitled to three
messengers who are members of the church they represent. They are to bring letters show-
ing their election by the Church, which letters should give a report of their past year.
Section No. 4—New Churches may be admitted upon presentaŧion of a petition-
ary letter stating their origin, faith, and practice, also stating that they have adopted these
Articles of Agreement.
Section No. 5—Any church found to be unscriptural in origin or becomes un-
sound in faith or practice will be refused a seat in this Association.
- 4 -
Doctrinal Status
This Association shall recognize the freedom of speech as essential to the highest
achievements in its work. It shall stand or fall on its own conformity to truth. It shall exer-
cise no ecclesiastical authority but it shall by every precaution recognize the sovereignty of
every individual church. It shall also encourage on the part of churches and Messengers the
greatest possible freedom of expression in discussing matters pertaining to its work, and in
the preeminence of missions and evangelism in the work of the churches.
The powers of this Association shall be limited to the execution according to
teachings of the New Testament of the will of the churches composing it; and the Associa-
tions, in annual sessions, shall elect such officers as are necessary for its deliberation and
work, and appoint such committees as are needed, and transact other business as may be
directed by the churches.
Section No. 1—It will be the duty of the messengers annually to elect from among
their members a Moderator, Assistant Moderaŧor, and such Clerks and other Officers as may
be needed or directed by the churches composing this Association.
Section No. 2- In all votes of this Association a majority of votes cast shall decide
questions; except in cases of change or amendment in the Articles of Agreement. In such
cases a two thirds majority will be required.
Section No. 1—Annually the Messengers shall recommend to the churches, from
among the church endorsed missionaries such number as they deem wise for cooperative
Section No. 2—The Messengers shall recommend such salaries as is compatible
with the strength of the Churches, and the needs of the Missionaries.
Section No. 1—All funds of this Association shall be raised by voluntary dona-
tions secured purely upon the merits of the cause: in the interest of which appeals are made
for gifts; provided this is not to prevent the use of any income or any property that may be
acquired by donation or purchase.
Section No. 2—The Treasurer of this Association shall hold all funds received
between sessions of this Association subject to the designation of the sending Church or
The annual meeting of the Church Messengers shall be at such time and place as
the assembled Messengers may appoint.
1. Reading of Letters.
2. Seating of messengers.
3. Reception of New Churches.
4. Election of officers.
5. Inviting of Brethren of like faith to sit in council.
6. Appointment of committees.
7. Christian Education Report
8. Missionaries Reports.
9. Treasurer report.
10. Reports of committees.
11. Miscellaneous business.
12. Closing exercises and adjournment.
9:30 TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1952.
Service opened with singing of “Oh How I Love Jesus” led by Bro. N. 0. West.
Prayer led by Dr. H. Travis Hubbard. The moderator then introduced Eld. J. L. Hawkins,
pastor of Ridgecrest church. Bro. Hawkins read Jude 1-4 and chose as subject “Earnestly
contending for the faith,” and he exhorted all present to be men and women of action for
Christ. Eld. Ernest Bennett led in prayer. The clerk was then asked to read the articles of
Agreement, and he proceeded to do so. Opening remarks were made by the moderaŧor.
Nominations were called for, for an 11:00 o’clock speaker. Voting resulted Eld. Jameson
being elected. Reading clerks Eld. G. A. Williams and Bro. Bill Porter appointed. They
proceeded in reading letters from McFarland, Freedom, Bakersfield, Mt. Olive (Stockton),
Ridgecrest, West Putnam (Portervillc), Oakland, River-bank, Dominguez, Armona, Clovis,
Corcoran, Wasco, McKinley. Motion and second that the messengers named in the letters
be seated. Motion carried. Petitionary letter read from Greenfield. Motion and second that
they be seated, carried. Petitionary letter read from First Missionary Baptist Church of
Modesto. Motion and second that they be seated, carried. Petitionary letter from
Bethlehem Church of Fresno. Motion and second that they be seated, motion carried.
Petitionary letter from North Sacramento, motion and second that the messengers be seated,
motion carried. Petitionary read from Ceres church. Motion and second that they be received.
Motion carried. Petitionary letters read from Exeter church, motion and second that
they be received and the messengers seated. Motion carried. Petitionary letter read from
First A.B.A. Church of Porterville. Motion and second that they be received and messengers
seated. Motion carried. Letter read from Sanger church, motion and second that the messengers
be seated, motion carried.
Dismissed for 10 minute recess. Met back with singing of “There is a Fountain”
led by Martin Canavan, prayer by Eld. R. F. Gire. The moderator then introduced Bro.
Charles Jameson, pastor of the church in Oroville. Eld. Jameson made opening remarks
stating that he was in harmony with our co-operative principles, he then read Ro. 1:13-17
using as a subject “Debtors.” Eld. Jameson brought a God-honoring soul-stirring message
from the Word. A standing vote of thanks was given to Bro. Jameson. Nominations for an
afternoon devotional leader taken. Motion and second that nominations cease. Motion car-
ried. Voting resulted in Bro. Porter being elected. Motion and second that we adjourn until
1:30. Motion carried. Bro. A. P. Shoemake dismissed in prayer.
1:30 P. M.
Met back with singing of “Hide you in the Blood,” led by Eld. G. A. Williams.
Prayer led by Eld. Harold Hendrix. Bro. Porter was then introduced by the moderator, Bro.
Porter then read Heb. 2:1-6. He gave some inspiring comments that called us to real heart
- 7-
Entered into election of officers. Voting resulted in Eld. C. C. Middleton being
elected moderator, Eld. Allen Tabor, assistant, Eld. Martin Canavan elected as clerk-trea-
surer, and Eld. R. R. Farris as assistant, many visitors were recognized.
Committees on Home Missions, Foreign Missions, Christian Education, and
Christian Literature were appointed by the chair.
Missionary reports were called for by the chair.
Eld. Allen Tabor gave an oral report on his mission work.
Motion and second that the report be adopted as given. Spoken to by Eld. M. J.
Duncan, Eld. Tom Hicks. Motion carried.
Eld. C. C. Middleton then read his report. Motion and second that the
report be adopted, spoken to by C. C. Middleton, Lee Wright, C. R. Lyon,
E. E. Crawford, M. J. Dunxan, Jim Patterson, Ernest Bennett, A. P. Shocmake,
Sis. Hampton, Henry Cloud. Martin Canavan, D. O. Ross, Bro. Tillman,
Sis. Gire, L. H. Horton, Tom Hicks, A. L. Patterson, W. S. Goulding. Motion carried.
Motion and second that we enter a special order of business for the selection of
missionaries or missionary for recommendation to the churches. Motion carried.
Resolution from the Oakland church read.
Motion and second that the voting be done by standing vote, motion carried.
Voting resulted in Elds. C. C. Middleton, and Allen Tabor being so recommended.
Other mission reports called for, none were given.
Nominations for an evening devotional leader called for, Tom Hicks, D. 0. Ross,
Monroe Patterson were nominated. Eld. Tom Hicks was elected.
Motion and second that the resolution from Sanger church be read. Motion car-
The resolution was read. Motion and second that the resolution as read be adopted,
spoken to by M. J.Duncan, L. M. Branch, Ernest Bennett, Ben Crawford, Allen Tabor, C. R.
Lyon, D. O. Ross, E. E. Crawford. Motion and second that this resolution be tabled until in
the morning. Motion carried. Motion and second that we adjourn until 7:30. Motion carried.
Various announcements were made. Dismissed in prayer by Bro. Keaster.
7:30 P. M.
Service opened with singing of “My Redeemer,” led by Bob Haley, Bro. Martin
Canavan led in prayer. Song “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.” Bro. Barnes then led
singing “Home of the Soul.” Eld. E. E. Crawford led prayer.
Bro. Middleton then introduced Eld. Tom Hicks, pastor of Prineville, Oregon
church, who took the stand and made some preliminary remarks about the Oregon work.
He then read Luke 10:1, 2 and John 4:34 and spoke on a “Wasting Harvest.” A soul-stirring
message was brought. A standing vote of appreciation was given Bro. Hicks.
The moderator then introduced Eld. A. L. Patterson as the speaker of the evening.
He read Gal. 1:4-6 as his text. A challenging message made all of us examine our hearts. A
standing vote of thanks was given to Bro. Patterson for the fine message.
Nominations for a devotional leader were Elds. Ernest Bennett, Travis Hubbard,
the voting resulted in Bro. Travis Hubbard being elected.
Motion and second to adjourn until 9:30 A. M. Motion carried. Various announce-
ments were made.
Mission offering taken $50.00. Eld. Wayne Easlon dismissed in prayer.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 9:30 A. M.
Service opened with singing of “An Old Account was Settled,” led by Eld. G. A.
Williams. Bro. W. S. Goulding led in prayer. The Moderator then introduced the devotional
leader Eld. H. Travis Hubbard. Bro. Hubbard read Heb. 5:12 through Heb. 6:3 for the basis
of his comments. Bro. Hubbard brought wonderful thoughts to our minds and hearts about
spiritual growth in both pew and pulpit.
Nominations for an 11:00 o’clock speaker were Elds. D. O. Ross, C. R. Lyon, Jim
Patterson, and Foy Moss. The voting resulted in Eld. D. O. Ross being elected.
Letters read from the Easton church. Motion and second that the messengers be
seated, motion carried.
Resolution that was tabled Tuesday night re-read and it was discussed by W. S.
Goulding, Monroe Patterson, Ernest Bennett. Motion and second that the motion be amend-
ed to read that the resolution be adopted for recommendation to the churches discussed
by W. S. Goulding, Allen Tabor, C. R. Lyon, A. P. Shoemake, Jim Patterson, amendment
unanimously carried.
Main motion as amended open for discussion, discussed by E. E. Crawford, W.
S. Goulding. Motion made and second the wording be changed in resolution to read “Be it
therefore resolved that we the messengers of the churches in this association recommend
that the churches declare themselves in sympathy and fellowship henceforth with the Amer-
ican Baptist Association, co-operating with the churches as much as possible in interstate
and foreign mission work,” discussed by Lee Wright, Ernest Bennett, W. S. Goulding, L.
M. Branch, Martin Canavan, M. J. Duncan, amendment carried. Resolution carried.
Moderator declared 10 minute recess.
Met back with singing of “It Won’t Be Very Long” led by Sis. Horton. Led in
prayer by Eld. Foy Moss.
Moderator then introduced Eld. D. O. Ross, pastor of Salinas church as the speaker
of the hour. Bro Ross made preliminary remarks concerning the associational fellowship,
he then read Gen. 21:1-20 and chose a subject “Unseen Resources.” A timely message that
honored our Lord and Master was ably presented by our dear Bro. Ross.
Motion and second that we adjourn until 1:30, motion carried. Standing votes of
thanks given to Bro. Ross and Eld. Travis Hubbard. Dismissed in prayer by Eld. A. L. Pat-
1:30 P. M.
Service opened with singing of “The Unseen Hand” led by W. S. Goulding. Bro.
Charles Jameson led in prayer.
Foreign missionary reports called for. Eld. W. S. Goulding then read his report.
Motion and second to adopt the report as read, spoken to by W. S. Goulding and R. R. Far-
ris. Motion carried.
Christian Education report read by Bro. E. E. Crawford. Motion and second to
adopt. Carried.
Christian Literature report read by Bro. M. J. Duncan. Motion and second to adopt,
discussed by M. J. Duncan. Motion carried.
Foreign Missions report read by Bro. A. P. Shoemake. Motion and second to adopt,
spoken to by A. P. Shoemake, E. E. Crawford,
- 10-
W. S. Goulding, Ben Crawford, Ernest Bennett, Tom Hicks, Martin Canavan. Report ad-
Mission offering taken for Bro. Goulding.
Treasurer’s report read and approved.
Motion and second that we adopt the Declaration of Faith as found in The Baptist
Way Book by Dr. Ben M. Bogard. Motion carried.
C. R. Lyon read the Home mission report. Motion and second to adopt, spoke to
by C. R. Lyon, report adopted.
Recommendation read from Riverbank and an invitation for a school read from
Motion and second that we adopt the recommendation of the Riverbank Church.
Discussed by Ben Crawford, Martin Canavan, R. R. Farris, Allen Tabor, M. B. Hubbard
(raised $1,100.00), E. E. Crawford, Jim Patterson, Tom Hicks, C. R. Lyon, Ben Crawford,
R. R. Farris, Sis. Perkins. Motion carried.
Motion and second that we have a Christian education report to be in the order of
business following Item 6. Motion carried.
Motion and second that the first church sending an invitation to the clerk be grant-
ed the meeting. Motion carried.
Motion and second that we have our meeting beginning the Tuesday before Easter
Sunday, discussed by Bro. Skaggs, R. R. Farris.
Substitute motion and second that we meet the Tuesday after the second Sunday
in May, discussed by C. C. Middleton, Sis. Hampŧon, Martin Canavan, Henry Cloud, R. R.
Farris. Motion lost. Original motion carried.
Motion made and second that we give two hours on the Wednesday afternoon of
our association for our young people, discussed by Sis. Evelyn Smith, Bill Porter, Jim Pat-
terson, Ernest Bennett, R. R. Farris. Motion carried.
Minutes read, motion and second the minutes be adopted. Carried.
Motion and second that we elect a man to preach to doctrinal sermon for our next
association. Motion carried. E. E. Crawford, J. C. Patterson, M. B. Hubbard, Monroe
Patterson were nominaetd. Eld. M. B. Hubbard was duly elected.
- 11 -
Motion and second that we pay clerk $25.
Amendment and second that funds designated for clerk hire be paid the clerk.
Amendment carried.
Motion and second that we adjourn until Monday night before Easter Sunday.
Motion carried.
Announcements were made.
C. C. Middleton dismissed in prayed.
In-as-much as a vast majority of the Churches of this Association use Literature
published by the Sunday School Committee of the American Baptist Association, and also
endorse the Missionary Baptist Seminary of Little Rock;
And, in order to keep down confusion in our local Association in the future con-
cerning the two National Associations of Missionary Baptist Churches;
Be it therefore resolved that we the messengers of the churches in this Association
recommend that the churches declare themselves in sympathy and fellowship henceforth
with the American Baptist Association, co-operating with the churches as much as possible
in interstate and foreign mission work.
(Clerk’s note) Adopted.
We your committee on Christian literature wish to submit the following:
Above all literature we recommend the Bible. We recommend the Sunday School
literature published by the A. B. A., and other books and papers that stand for the doctrines
of Missionary Baptist Churches.
—Eld. M. J. Duncan, Eld. J. C. Patterson, Eld. M. B. Hubbard
We, your committee, submit the following. We believe the report, as found in the
minutes of our association, is a most excellent one; and also it endorses the missionaries
recommended by the churches of this association. Therefore we recommend that this report
be re-read and re-published in our minutes.
—Eld. Ernest Bennett, Eld. A. P. Shoemake, Eld. W. S. Goulding
- 12 -
We, your committee, submit the following: Since the great commission, as given
in the Gospels, (Mt. 28:18-20, Mk 16:14-16, Lk. 24:46, 47, Jn. 20:21, Act. 1:8) was com-
mitted to the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ, they are bound by the command of our Lord
to preach the gospel to every creature, regardless of creed, color, or nation, without distinc-
(1) Due to the fact that the field is white, ready for harvest and laborers are few, we
pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the fields of labor.
(2) We recommend to the churches a whole-hearted support of our missionaries
outside the continental United States with our prayers and means. We recommend Brother
W. S. Goulding together with the native workers in Panama and Costa Rica working
in collaboration with him.
Eld. Lee Wright, Eld. J. C. Patterson, Eld. W. S. Goulding
Recognizing the urgent need of training young preachers and Christian workers,
your committee submits this report:
In this age of schools, efficiency, education, science, it is vitually imperative that
young preachers thoroughly prepare themselves for skillful service in the Lord’s vineyard.
Men in other fields of endeavor are trained, polished, qualified. Shall God’s men,
in the highest calling on earth, be contented to plod through life hampered, hobbled, un-
equipped, untrained for lack of schooling? A thousand times no!
Paul told Timothy to study. This commandment applies with equal force to all
preachers today. A God-called man must increase his Bible knowledge, or become a thread-
bare fossil.
Is there a better place to learn God’s Word than in a Bible school? It is your com-
mittee’s opinion that any preacher may qualify himself more efficiently and more rapidly in
the classroom.
Therefore, we recommend the schools in Little Rock, Ark. and Henderson, Texas,
and any school that we Association Baptists may establish in California.
—Dr. H. T. Hubbard, Eld. W. T. Porter, Eld. E. E. Crawford
- 13-
We, your committee on Home Missions submit the followings: (1) The harvest of
John 4 is a challenge to every church in mission endeavor. (2) the messengers of the church-
es composing the association in prayerful consideration of the field and the strength of the
church have recommended two home missionaries. Therefore, we your committee recom-
mend that this messenger body recommend to the churches that the doors of opportunity are
being opened, but the adversaries are many and if our missionaries do a construcŧive work,
they must have regular, adequate support and realizing this we plead, request, yea even beg
our churches for the sake of Christ, and his cause in seeking the lost to pray, preach, teach,
and do missions by calling attention frequently to our missionaries on the field and taking
offerings for them.
—Eld. C. R. Lyon, Eld. L. M. Branch, Eld. Ben Crawford
The Mount Olive MBC having endorsed and recommended me for missionary
work in the Central America field, I have resigned my pastorate with the Mt. Olive church,
so as to be free to visit churches and make necessary arrangements for going to Central
America, such as securing passports, visas, disposing of our stuff (except what we will take
with us) and so forth. There are always so many endless things to be done in preparation for
making such a trip.
At present my wife is taking treatments three times a week at the hospital, and is
already much improved, and we expect her health to be OK by the time we can be ready to
Our traveling expenses alone will be about $500.00 and we should have besides
that at least $250.00 on hand to carry us over the first month, as there always are extra ex-
penses in getting settled, and starting housekeeping in a new place.
I have the pictures (movies) that Bro. Canavan and I took on our Central American
trip in 1950, and am ready to show them in any of your churches and bring a message on
missions, anywhere within a radius of 200 miles at present, and then soon we plan to visit
churches in other states.
I have been endorsed by the A. B. A. for the Central America field, and will receive
a salary from the A. B. A. churches beginning from the date of departure from this country,
but that leaves the native workers dependent on the churches here for their support. Three
of these have received nearly all their support hitherto from the California and Oregon
churches. Two others are worthy of support, but have had to support themselves. Lack of
sufficient offerings has made this necessary. I trust that better support can be given for the
native workers on the field from now on, since my personal support will be shared by all
the A. B. A. churches in other parts of the country.
Our financial report from May 1, 1951 to April 30, 1952 is as follows:
Total received from the churches for all purposes $3071.84.
Pastor’s salary from Mt. Olive church (Dec. 6 to April 30)
Total sent to workers $1484.07; divided as follows:
$ 50.00
Mission hall rent in Colon, Panama
I have sold our old car and bought another not much better. I will probably have to
trade again so as to be able to visit churches according to schedule.
We plan to attend the association in Oregon and visit churches there and in other
states to raise the passage funds for myself and family.
A letter just received from Bro. Gracias urges that the churches provide us with a
car for the work in Central America.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for your faithful prayers and offer-
ings. Continue much in prayer that God will thrust out more workers. Luke 10:2.
Gatefully submitted,
W. S. GOULDING and Family.
- 15-
I count it a great privilege to have served the Missionary Baptist Churches of the
Cooperative Association of California for the above named period of time. The Lord has
blessed me in many ways in this great work. I am sure that each church which has had a part
in the work has also been richly blessed.
My financial support has been as follows:
Associational Collection
Porterville A. B. A
D. L. Steger
May God richly bless each of you for the support which I have received.
I have labored with several different churches in both the central and southern
parts of the state. This work has chiefly been in interest of co-operative work among our
churches, assisting both weak and pastorless churches, and constantly striving to win the
lost to Christ.
Although I have worked some on the side to acquire a living, I have spent an aver-
age of several hours each day in the missionary work. Thanks to all.
Humbly submitted,
- 16-
Minute fund from Corcoran meeting
Paid Out-
Printing of Minutes
Paper, mailing, etc
Total paid out
Balance on hand
Received at Armona Meeting
Mt. Olive
Corcoran fund
Total $27.50
Total on hand
Paid out—
C. C. Middleton
Allen Tabor
W. S. Goulding
- 17-