of the
Twenty-fifth Meeting
Held with
First Missionary Baptist Church
of Visalia, California
March 24, 25, 26, 1975
next meeting to be held with
Visalia First Landmark Missionary
Baptist Church
of Visalia, California
April 12, 13, 14, 1976
Floyd Cooper, born to John and Effie Cooper January 5, 1919 in Winona, Oklahoma.
He was saved at age 9 in the Baptist church of that city.
Came to California with his family in 1935 and united with the Hebron Heights M.B.C.
(presently 1st M.B.C.) of Salinas, Calif, where Bro. R. Y. Blaylock was pastor. His father
worked closely with Bro. Blaylock and later became pastor of this church
He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1942 and served there until the end of WW II.
He married Flora Adkins June 28, 1948 in San Pablo, California where her brother, Al-
len Adkins was pastor. To them were born two children, Deborah Joy and Floyd William.
Bro. Cooper was set aside as a deacon by the 1st MBC of Salinas but in a few months
they moved to Denver, Colo, and united with the Lakewood church there. When the letter
was received the Salinas church had noted that he had been set aside to be ordained by that
church and the Lakewood church agreed with them as to his value in this office and they
ordained him in September of 1956.
He served as deacon in the Lakewood church from Sept 1956 until June of 1962 when
they moved to Dierks, Ark. He served in the Holly Creek MBC there from June until Au-
gust of 1963 when they moved back to California and united with the Highlands MBC in
Aug. of 1963 and served here until his death on Aug. 6, 1973.
Statistics do not begin to tell his worth in the work of the Lord, particularly his help to
this pastor. He was truly the kind of man that made the work of God easy and enjoyable
where without his help difficulties were made harder and burdens became a load.
Submitted by his pastor
Bill Woodall
1. Opening Exercises
2. Introductory sermon
3. Appointment of committees
4. Enrollment and seating of messengers
5. Reception of new churches
6. Inviting brethren of like faith and order to sit in council
7. Missionary reports
8. Election of officers
9. Publicity report
10. Treasurer’s report
11. Report of committees
12. Miscellaneous business
13. Closing exercises and adjournment
April 12, 1976
3:00 P.M.
Missionary Committee Meeting
State Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
7:30 P.M.
Song Service
8:15 P.M.
Introductory Sermon
Speaker, John McClung
Alternate, J B. Powers
April 13, 1976
9:30 A.M. Business Session
11:00 A.M. Annual Sermon
Speaker, L E. McCalister
Alternate, Bill Woodall
8:00 P.M. Evangelistic Sermon
Speaker, Martin Canavan
Alternate, Ottis Dees
April 14, 1976
9:30 AM. Business Session
12:00 Noon Adjournment
1975-76 OFFICERS
Larry Reeves
1st Assistant Moderator:
J. W. Godbehere
2nd Assistant Moderator:
D. S. Madden
Martin Canavan
Assistant Clerk:
E.A. Sharver
Publicity Director:
I.K. Cross
Assistant Publicity Director:
Wayne Beene
Music Director:
Dale Baldridge
Assistant Music Director:
Bill Woodall
Roy Reed
Assistant Parliamentarian:
John McClung
of missions:
D. S. Madden
Left to Right: Martin Canavan, J.W. Godbehere, D.S.
Madden, E.A. Sharver, Larry Reeves.
Members of the Missionary Committee
Moderator: L. E. McCalister, 192 S. Orange, Orange
Moderator: June Godbehere, P. O. Box 1277, Reseda
Clerk: George Walton, Box 66, Sheridan 95681
Clerk: Duane Richey, 2339 Gull Ct., Fairfield 94533
D. S. Madden, 2011 Random Dr., Anaheim
June Godbehere, P. O. Box 1277, Reseda
Thomas Counts, 79 E. Lake Dr., Antioch 94509
Allen Adkins, P. O. Box 697, Armona
Dwight Patterson, 10527 Capistrano, South Gate
Ray Bynum, 2903 Olive Hwy., Oroville 95965
Travis Hubbard, 321134 E. H-14, Lancaster
Bill Woodall, 4130 Baptist Ct., No, Highlands
Missionaries Recommended for Salary
Ellis Fisher, 6083 Madelaine Dr., Newark 94560
Salary $550.00 Housing $275.00 plus 5% of salary for
Social Security
Harold Spence, P. O. Box 111, Cloverdale 95424
Salary $550.00 Housing $275.00 plus 5% of salary for
Social Security
Leonard Smith, 7136 Astron Dky., Sacramento 95823
Salary $550.00 Housing $275.00 plus 5% of salary for
Social Security
O. E. Hall, 1630 Shirley St., Merced 95340
Salary $550.00 Housing $275.00 plus 5% of salary for
Social Security
Missionaries Recommended for
Designated Funds
William Havens, 3715 Kenmore Ave., Baldwin Park 91706
J. D. Cooper, 5704 W. Belmont, Fresno 93705
Left to Right: William Havens, Ellis fisher, J.D. Cooper,
Leonard Smith, O.E. Hall.
Business Proceedings
March 24, 1975, Monday, 7:30 P.M.
The moderator, Bro. Tom Counts, called the meeting to order and
Bro. Owen Isenhower led in prayer. Bro. Dale Baldridge led the congrega-
tion in singing ‘’How Great Thou Art” and “Since Jesus Came Into My
Heart”. A soloist from Riverbank sang “For Those Tears I Died”. The Inspi-
rations from the Fortuna church did “We Made It Right”, and “Where Could
I Go?”. Bro. Royce Smith sang “God Did A Wonderful Thing For Me”. Bro.
Stan Hester did “Sheltered In The Arms of God”. Bro. Rick Dacus rendered
“Through It AH*. The moderator declared the messenger meeting open for
business and asked Bro. Carlis Russell to lead in the opening prayer. Bro.
J. W. Godbehere appointed the committee and announced the attendance at
above 800 for the evening service. A trio of Debbie Cooper, Bill Woodall,
and Ray Bynum did “He Loves Me”. Bro. Ron Stone was introduced and
then Bro. Woodall and Sis. Cooper sang “His Grace Is Sufficient”. Bro.
Stone read I John 1:7 and spoke on “The Blood”. Bro. Deiter Bergstrasser
extended Bro. Stone a hand of appreciation for the sermon. A motion and
second prevailed to dismiss until 9:30 a.m. Bro. Gary Perdue dismissed in
March 25, 1975, Tuesday, 9:30 A.M.
The meeting opened with singing “I Am Bound for the Promised Land”
led by Bro. Bill Woodall. Bro. J. T. Ross led in prayer. The congregation
then sang “Blessed Assurance”. Bro. J. B. Powers gave a report of the Bap-
tist Sunday School committee.
Bro. Wayne Beene extended a welcome on behalf of the Visalia church. A
response was given to this gracious welcome by Bro. F. C. Creel.
Bro. Tom Counts then presented his remarks as the moderator of the as-
sociation. He spoke on the “Promise of Victory”.
The moderator asked the messengers to stand as he declared them seated
and ready for business.
A motion and second carried to include the moderator’s address in the
Petitionary letters were called for. Bro. Ottis Dees read letters from Ebene-
zer in Los Angeles, Living Word in Long Beach, Landmark in Scotts Valley,
and Country In Fresno. These four churches were welcomed by Bro. R. G.
Bro. Neil Morley presented a report entitled “Awareness of Foreign Mis-
Missionaries John Peach, Leslie Smith, J. D. Cooper, Doug Rogers and
Jim Nye gave brief reports on their work.
Bro. L. E. McCalister was recognized to preside as the missionary com-
mittee report was presented. Bro. George Walton read the minutes of the
Missionary Committee meeting. A motion and second was made to adopt
the report. The report was adopted.
A motion and second that any new missionary put on salary would begin as
of the first of the month following the association meeting. An amendment
was offered that any missionary going off salary would have his salary paid
for 2 weeks following the association. The amendment carried and the mo-
tion as amended carried.
Bro. D. S. Madden was recognized to give his report as Mission Treasurer.
A motion and second was made to receive the report as read. The motion
Bro. Roy Reed introduced Bro. I. K. Cross as the morning speaker. Bro.
William Duncan sang “Because He Lives” just before the message. Bro.
Cross then read Luke 1:1-4 as the basis of his remarks. He spoke on “Baptist
Distinctives”. The message was strong in doctrine and well received by the
brethren. Bro. Godbehere extended a hand of appreciation for this fine mes-
Our state missionaries, Ellis Fisher, Leonard Smith, and Harold Spence
gave brief reports.
A motion and second prevailed to dismiss until 2 p.m. Bro. Lee Richardson
dismissed in prayer.
2:00 P.M.
Bro. Bill Woodall led the congregation in singing “Glory to His Name”.
Bro. Ken Criswell led in prayer.
The moderator declared the election of the Missionary Committee to be
the order of business. Bro. George Walton read the names of the standing
Nominees to replace Bro. Chastain, since he had moved, were Bros. Ray
Bynum and Burel Burnes. Bro. Bynum was elected by the voting.
Substitution Duane Richey for Dewey Caves was moved by Bro. Caves
and it was carried.
The committee was then elected as substituted.
Nominees for Treasurer of missions were D. S. Madden and June Godbe-
A motion prevailed to elect the one receiving the highest vote with the sec-
ond highest as assistant. Bro. Madden was elected and Bro. Godbehere was
chosen as assistant by the voting.
Bro. J. C. Pack gave a report on the Northern Coastal area cooperation.
A motion and second carried to pay the mission Treasurer $200 for his
services plus expenses.
Bro. Cliff Creel reported on his mission work in Eureka and Arcata.
Bro. Ron Stone gave a report on his work in Alaska.
Bro. Gregory Andino gave his report on his Spanish work.
Bro. O. E. Hall gave his report on the Merced work Bro David House-
wright spoke of his work in Redding.
Bro. Wallace Cooper brought a report on the Sacramento Valley Associa-
The moderator declared the order of business to be the election of officers.
Nominations for moderator were Bro. D. S. Madden, Bro. Allen Adkins,
Bro. J. W. Godbehere, Bro. Tom Counts, Em. Kenneth Hooper, Bro Larry
Reeves, Bro. Dwight Patterson. The voting resulted in Bro. Reeves being
elected with Bro. Madden and Bro. Godbehere being chosen as assistant
Nominations for clerk were Bro. Canavan, Bro. Sharver, and Bro. Walton.
The election resulted in Bro. Canavan being elected and Bro. Sharver as as-
Nominees for publicity director were Bros. I. K. Cross and Wayne Beene.
The election resulted in Bro. Cross being elected and Bro. Beene as the as-
Parliamentarian nominees were Bro. John McClung, Bro. Reed, Bro.
Waymire, Bro. McCallster, and Bro. Adkins.
The voting resulted in the election of Bro. Reed as Parliamentarian and Bro.
McClung assistant.
Bro. Beene gave a report on the Central Valley Association. He also ex-
tended an invitation to meet in Visalia next year. The invitation was ac-
Bro. Madden presented the invitation of the Anaheim Convention center
for the A.B.A. to meet in 1978. The Anaheim church is extending an invita-
tion for this meeting. A motion and second prevailed to concur in this invita-
tion and to join in this Invitation as an association.
Bro. William Havens brought a report of his work in Los Angeles, and Bro.
Monroe Patterson reported on the encampment work.
Bro. Guerrero reported on the Spanish work in Los Angeles.
The nominees for Music director were Bro. Dale Baldridge, Bro. Bill
Woodall, Bro. Rick Dacus and Bro. Royce Smith. Bro. Dale Baldridge was
elected as director and Bro. Woodall is assistant.
A motion and second was made to adopt the report of the publicity director.
A reading of the treasurer’s report was adopted. A motion and second to
pay the clerk $350 carried.
Sis. Betty Keeling read the report of the Ladies Aux. meeting and it was
Bro. Jimmy Williams spoke on the Southern Coastal association.
Bro. George Walton read the minutes of the new missionary committee. A
motion and second carried to adopt the report.
Bro. Dwight Patterson gave the Home Mission report. A motion and sec-
ond was made to adopt the report. The motion carried.
Bro. Woodall led the congregation in singing “All Hail the Power”. Bro.
Les Scott read the report of the Archives and Historical Committee. A mo-
tion and second was made to adopt this report. The motion carried.
Bro. Bill Woodall read the report of Foreign Missions. A motion and sec-
ond prevailed to adopt the report.
Bro. Roy Reed reported on C.M.B.I. Bro. Jerry Waymire read the Chris-
tian Education report. A motion and second was made to adopt the report.
The motion carried.
Bro. Deiter Bergstrasser read a report on Christian Literature. A motion
and second carried to adopt the report as read.
Bro. Ron Cowger read the report of the Memorials Committee. A motion
and second was made to adopt the report. The motion carried. A prayer was
led by Bin Jack Cazier.
Bro. Kenneth Hooper read the report of the resolutions committee.
A resolution from the Folsom church was read and adpoted concerning
A resolution from the Nice mission concerning the Charismatic movement
was adopted.
Bro. Hooper read a resolution from the Southside church concerning free-
dom of expression and pornography. The motion and second to adopt the
resolution carried.
A resolution concerning a Bicentennial commemorative service at next
year’s meeting was read and approved. It was sent by the Antioch church.
A resolution concerning the Hume Lake pastor’s conference was read from
the Woodbridge church and adopted.
An Alien immersion resolution as read from the 1928 A.B.A. minutes was
presented by the Visalia church. A motion carried to adopt the resolution.
A resolution concerning mission listings in the A.B.A. yearbook was pre-
sented by the South Gate church. A motion and second was made to adopt
the resolution. The motion carried.
A rising vote of thanks was taken to express our appreciation to the Visalia
church for their hospitality.
A motion and second carried to adjourn until 7 p.m. Bro. Mustim dis-
missed in prayer.
7:00 P.M.
Bro. Dale Baldridge led the congregation in singing “He Lives” to open
the services. Bro. Ron Hernandez led in prayer. The congregation then say
“At Calvary”. The Sunshine Singers from Visalia did “Thank You for the
Valley” and “No Greater Love” as specials. Pam and Sharon Jordan from
Porterville sang “Nothing Here to Hinder Me”. The Baker instrumental trio
from Ridgecrest did “How Great Thou Art” and “Amazing Grace” as spe-
cials. Bro. Ron Hernandez from Lompoc sang “I Believe in a Hill Called
Mt. Calvary”. Bro. Les Smith from Living Word did “I Know Who Holds
Tomorrow” as a special. Jay Izard from Fresno sang “The Old Rugged Cross
Made the Difference”. The Good News singers from Porterville did “Fill
My Cup Lord” and “I Just Came to Talk to the Lord”.
Bro. Larry Reeves gave a report on the California Mission Development
Russell Crabtree from Oildale sang “If That Isn’t Love”. The Salt and Pep-
per quartet rendered `I’ll Fly Away”. A trio from Ebenezer sang “God Leads
Us Along” in Spanish and the “Last Mile of the Way” In English and Span-
ish. A duet from Corcoran did “Reach Out to Jesus” and dedicated it to their
new pastor Bro. Richard Woodall.
Bro. Dwight Patterson introduced Bro. Ray Bynum as the speaker of the
A trio of the Madden sisters sang “Available” just before Bro. Bynum
spoke. Bro. Bynum read Joshua 1:1-5 and 3:1-17 as the basis of his mes-
sage, and then led in prayer. He chose as his subject “Trusting and Obey-
ing”. The message challenged the heart of all who heard this fine sermon.
Bro. Ron Cowger gave Bro. Bynum the hand of appreciation for the mes-
sage. A motion and second to adjourn until 9:30 carried. Bro. Dennis Sul-
livan dismissed in prayer.
March 26, 1975, Wednesday, 9:30 A.M.
The services opened with singing of “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”.
Bro. Hamblen led in prayer. The Inspirations sang “Jesus Take Hold” and
“Help Me.”
A motion and second that the minutes be dedicated to the memory of Floyd
Cooper. The motion carried. Bro. Harold Loyd spoke concerning the work
of Red Bluff association.
The moderator declared the election of speakers to be the order of busi-
ness. A motion and second prevailed to elect the one receiving the highest
vote to be the speaker and second highest as alternate.
Introductory sermon. J. B. Powers, John McClung Art Richardson, and
Tim Sullivan. Bro. McClung was elected and J. B. Powers as alternate.
Nominees for doctrinal message. L. E. McCalister, Robert Williams, Bill
Woodall, Howard Eddings, Lonnie Wiggins, and F. C. Creel. The voting
resulted in electing Bro. L. E. McCalister as speaker and Bro. Woodall as
Nominees for the evangelistic sermon were Martin Canavan, Ottis Dees,
Jimmy Williams, D. S. Madden, Kenneth Hooper June Godbehere and E. A.
Sharver. The election resulted in Bro. Canavan elected as speaker, and Bro.
Dees as the alternate.
Bro. Ron Stone spoke on Interstate Missions.
Bro. Tom Counts gave an expression of appreciation for the splendid coop-
eration of all and then turned the gavel over to the newly elected moderator.
A motion and second to adjourn until next year. Bro. Gary Landres dis-
missed this very harmonious meeting in prayer.
California Cooperative Association — 25th session
March 25, 1975
Thomas Lee Counts
Messengers, visitors and guests: It is my prayer that this meeting will be a
demonstration of our faith in God and our determination to dwell together
in unity. May our goals and purposes this year be united for missions in the
state of California. I have chosen to deliver this address to you on the sub-
ject, The Promise of Victory. Revelation 3:10-13, “Because thou hast kept
the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy
crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God,
and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God,
and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh
down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”
Last year my address dealt with Satanic efforts to destroy “The Faith.”
This year I want to show that although the days leading up to the rapture
will be trying, Christ has promised ultimate victory to the - over-comers at
His return.
There has always been a standard by which man has lived acceptably be-
fore God. When a firm stand was taken, persecution always followed. In
the earliest era of man, known as the age of conscience, God made known
His will in personal revelations. As man stood for God in that time he was
persecuted by Satan or his followers. Abel and Job are examples. When God
raised up a nation unto His name and gave her a standard of life known as
“The Law,” persecution became the lot of this nation. It began with Ishmael
mocking Isaac and continues through his seed until today. We are now living
in the church age, and Satan has turned his attention and persecution upon
the church. Christ has given us a set of standards by which we, as Christians
and churches, are to live. This standard is the New Testament. In Luke 18:8
Jesus said, “. . Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith
on the earth?” This could be better translated to real, “When the Son of man
returns He most assuredly will find that system of beliefs on the earth even
after severe moral and spiritual testing.” There will be churches who will not
betray this trust, though they will be tried severely. As we observe churches
of our fellowship departing from what they once taught and seeking friends
among other denomninations, let us strive to be more dedicated to our Bap-
tist beliefs though persecution will come to those who do not align them-
selves with the modern trend of Christendom.
We are facing a time today that will be more tryin to the lives of men than
the days of the “Dark Ages.’ We are seeing the world being set for the rule
of Anti-Christ. The teachings of the New Testament, and all those who es-
teem them, will sustain the most nefarious
testing from now until our Lord comes for us. It is with mixed emotions that
Christians view the present world events. On one hand we are concerned
for the physical welfare of our families, and on the other hand we are joyful
because Jesus’ return is near. Only through Christ and His mercy can we
bear the days ahead.
I would like to point out some of the present day happenings that will af-
fect us as New Testament churches.
Two internationally known men, Mr. Adlai Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador
to the United Nations, and Mr. U Thant, Secretary-General of the United
Nations, in prepared speeches at the 96th Charter Anniversary ceremonies
of the University of California at Berkeley, issued passionate pleas for one
world government.
On December 29, 1961, the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano,
commenting on the assembly of the World Council of Churches in New Del-
hi, India, said, “Christian unity can only be realized through a CATHOLIC-
TYPE HIERARCHY presided over by an infallible authority” (the Pope of
Rome). Since that time, great strides have been made toward making this
In June of 1963, Mr. U Thant, speaking at a meeting of the Harvard Alumni
Association in Cambridge, Massachusetts, urged, “. . the ultimate establish-
ment of an international police force.”
In July of 1973 more than five hundred lawyers from all over the world
met in Athens, Greece, at the “World Peace Through Law” conference. One
of the speakers at that conference was Chief Justice Earl Warren of the Unit-
ed States Supreme Court. He encouraged the lawyers of the world to work
together to create an International Court with power to enforce its decisions.
In the last two decades an all-out drive has been made to unite the world
in all areas of life. Recently the news media have carried reports of a new
constitution for the United States, written by historians financed by the Ford
Foundation. Last year the Sacramento Bee stated that a universal currency
had been printed and was awaiting proper time for distribution.
The things I have just mentioned show legislative, political, economic,
military and religious dominance under a one world system. How will our
churches survive under such a rule? Jesus said that He will find the sys-
tem of doctrines when He returns. The question is, are we, the churches in
California, spiritually prepared for these comma events? Are we preachers
presenting sin as sin and righteousness as righteousness, or do we blatantly
teach situation ethics? Are our churches truly evangelistic and missionary?
Is the great commission a doctrine we believe or a doctrine we practice? Are
our members taught to live separated lives through God’s Spirit? Will He
find in us this faithfulness? If God should delay His coming another decade,
we will be serving under these most perilous conditions.
Sometimes It seems our labors are in vain and we ask, “Where are the
rewards for our labor?” Paul encouraged, “And let us not be weary in well
doing: for in due season we shall reap If we faint not.” Also, Jesus
said, “I will never leave you nor foresake you.” The rewards for our faith-
fulness are illustrated in the story of an old missionary who, because of bad
health, had to return home from Africa. When he reached the docks in Af-
rica, there were bands and cheerings crowds. However, the fanfare wasn’t
for him, but for Teddy Roosevelt. None came to bid him farewell. When the
ship reached the States, there again was a fanfare for the great hunter, but no
welcome for the sickly missionary. In his hotel room the missionary began
to pray, “Lord, I gave my life for souls in Africa and Mr. Roosevelt came to
take the lives of animals. He was cheered and praised on both sides of the
ocean. I received no farewell where I served, and when I got home, not one,
“Well done!” And then it was as though God said to him, “Old Missionary,
you are not home yet.”
Therefore, let us be churches and psators who will be faithful to God
though there be little praise or fanfare here, remembering God’s promise,
“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I
also overcame, and am set by my Father In His throne.”
Foreign Mission Report
The Highlands Missionary Baptist Church prayerfully submits the follow-
ing report:
Because one of the primary reasons for the existence of a cooperative asso-
ciation such as ours is that of missions on a world-wide basis In which each
of our churches may share, we agree that the Great Commission was given
equally to each New Testament church.
With over 100 countries in our world and with missionaries from our
churches in only 22 of those countries (six of which are being served by
California church-sent missionaries), we see how great the need to “pray the
Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest”. (Matt. 9:37-38)
With new doors opening to us, as India, Korea and other countries where
there are established missions, let us not be hesitant to invest our mission
money in these areas of opportunity. We urge the financial support of such
projects as the purchase of land and building of buildings to be used to train
those whom God saves and calls to preach in their native land.
Let us encourage our churches to pray for God to call more of our minis-
ters who will follow His leading into these fields. Let us have a willing heart
to give our sons and those who are greatly loved by our churches that the
harvest which is white may have the sickle of God’s Word thrust in to reap
it for His honor and glory.
With the understanding of the Great Commission so plain in our minds,
let’s look upon the world with a will-mg heart and ready mind to go forward
in the area of missions as we see the day approaching.
Respectfully submitted,
Highlands Missionary
Baptist Church
Flora Cooper, Clerk
B. G. Woodall, Pastor
Home Mission Report
The Great Commission was given to the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Matt. 28:19-20.
The Lord seems to divide the Commission into three distinct areas ac-
cording to Acts 1:8 “.. , and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem
(home missions) and in all Judea, and in Samaria, (state and inter-state) and
unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (foreign missions)
Home missions is the beginning phase of all scriptural mission work. A
church that has no interest in doing mission work at home will probably ac-
complish very little anywhere else in the world.
The secret of the success of the first church is recorded in Acts 2:46-47
“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking
bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness
of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people.”
The secret of a success in home missions is not high pressure programs
or schemes, but in following God’s plan of missions. Home missions means
every church member going into the field, with the good news. The Lord did
not command us to either go or send some one else In our place. He com-
manded us to GO!
The Lord never commanded us to pray for a harvest, because the harvest
is always white and ready to be gathered. He did command us to pray for
harvesters. The harvest will never come in out of the field, It has to be gath-
Each church has the responsibility of evangelizing their own field of la-
bour. One has not fulfilled the commands of the Lord by merely supporting
the various Missionaries on the field. Each of God’s children, through His
Church, is a missionary. Therefore let each church follow the example of go-
ing from house to house until every one has heard the good news that Jesus
Saves. If this is done, souls will not only be saved but no Missionary on any
field of endeavor will go lacking for funds to carry on the work of the Lord.
Respectfully Submitted, The First Landmark
Missionary Baptist Church
of South Gate
Dwight Patterson, Pastor Earleen Allen, Clerk
Christian Education Report
In the commission the Lord gave to the Church He first instructed her to
make disciples. A disciple is not made by the modern, high-powered evan-
gelism that gets “decisions” because a real disciple is a follower and a learn-
er. The one who becomes a real disciple can then be taught the all things of
God as the commission states.
Because the Bible states that the pastor is to feed the
flock of God, he is very much the key person in implementing and carry-
ing out an effective educational program. The subject for Christian educa-
tion is the Bible. One law of teaching is that you cannot teach what you do
not know. Therefore, we highly encourage every young preacher and every
preacher who can possibly do so to take advantage of C.M.B.I. We encour-
age the thorough and careful study of the Bible at home for all.
We would also encourage any person who can to attend C.M.B.I. at
Bellflower and recommend increased liberal support of the school.
Christian education is not a duty of pastors and Sunday School
teachers only, but is the duty of mothers and fathers in the home. The words
God gave to Israel in Deuteronomy 6:6,7 should be strictly adhered to by all
Missionary Baptist families. “And these words which I command thee this
day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy
children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when
thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest
Submitted by Immanuel
Missionary Baptist Church
of Carson
J. M. Waymire, Pastor
Christian Literature Report
We recognize the Bible, God’s Holy Word, as our sole, absolute and final
rule of our faith and practice. The Scriptures are our all sufficient authority
for every sphere of Christian endeavor. Therefore, the Word of God is to be
read, to be studied and to be followed in practical living by every Mission-
ary Baptist. The Holy Spirit, through His Word, endeavors to lead, comfort,
persuade, admonish, teach and edify His called-out people. Consequently,
knowledge of the content of the Bible is a must for everyone proposing to
live a Spirit-filled life. (II Timothy 3:16,17)
Moreover, writings which honor and glorify Jesus Christ and uphold the
Scriptures and truth are properly classified as Christian literature. In these
latter times, when the devil’s heretical and pornographic literature floods
across our nation, we need to increase our use and study of Landmark Bap-
tist literature, books, periodicals, papers and tracts.
We urgently need to publicize and promote writings of Landmark Mis-
sionary Baptists to counteract the literature of heresy, of corruption, of im-
purity to which our people are exposed. We urge Baptist assemblies and
Baptist parents to buy and stock Landmark Baptist literature in their librar-
ies and homes and encourage their young people to study them. Moreover,
we urgently recommend that Baptist people become and remain students of
the Bible and the great heritage of Baptists in history.
Respectfully submitted,
Central Missionary Baptist
Wasco, California
History & Archives Committee Report
Dear Brethren:
Our committee has tried to collect as much information as possible, during
the past year, relative to Missionary Baptist work in California. Much of the
material we have collected is on display at the messenger meeting this year.
Our committee has made available a souvenir copy of the 1955 state
minutes, to the messengers at this meeting.
We recommend that a chronology of our state work, prepared by our com-
mittee, be included in our state minutes each year, showing the year, meet-
ing place, moderator and clerk.
We further recommend that a brief statement concerning data of organiza-
tion, and so on, be printed in our state minutes, about each new church com-
ing into our cooperative work.
Les Scott
Allen Adkins
Martin Canavan
Lester McCalister
G. A. Williams
Meeting Place
C. C. Middleton
(Initial Meeting)
C. C. Middleton
C. C. Middleton
Long Beach
C. C. Middleton
Allen Adkins
Allen Adkins
M. F. Downing
L. M. Branch
San Francisco
L. M. Branch
C. C. Middleton
Hoyt Chastain
Hoyt Chastain
Roy M. Reed
Roy M. Reed
Bill Hoppert
Bill Hoppert
Allen Adkins
Allen Adkins
K. G. McKellip
K. G. McKellip
San Jose
Dwight Patterson
Dwight Patterson
Dwight Patterson
Tom Counts
Tom County
CLERK 1952-1975 Martin Canavan
The following resolution on Alien Immersion was adopted by the mes-
senger body of the American Baptist Association, March 6-8, 1928 at Okla-
homa City, Oklahoma.
J. T. Moore presented the resolution. (pg. 73, 1928 A.B.A)
“Whereas the reception of alien immersion is the common practice of al-
most every church in the Northern Baptist Convention, even the churches
known as fundamentalists, and is also the practice of many churches in the
Southern Baptist Convention;
And whereas, this practice is contrary to the practice of New Testament
Churches in apostolic days, and also the practice of loyal Baptists through
the centuries from apostolic days to the present; and
Whereas this heretical practice subverts Baptist Churches, opens the flood
gates to all sorts of error and loose practice that would, if possible, blot out
true Baptist Churches from the earth;
Therefore be it resolved; that we, the messengers of the churches of the
American Baptist Association, go on record as positively dealing against
such a promiscuous practice, and that we recommend to the churches and
pastors to be careful in accepting applicants for membership on letters from
Baptist Churches, that the bearers of the letters have been baptized upon the
authority of a Baptist Church We also condemn so-called union meetings in
which some engage. If this resolution was felt necessary some 47 years ago,
it is even more essential today. Each church must exercise care in the recep-
tion of new members and determine that Baptism has been administered by
a Scriptural New Testament Church.
Presented by:
The First Landmark
Missionary Baptist Church
of Visalia, California
Wayne Beene, Pastor
Paul Blackburn, Clerk
We the Landmark Baptist Church of Folsom, recommend to our sister
Churches of the California Co-operative Association, when convened in its
25th Annual Meeting:
Be it resolved, that as a result of increasing liberalism among a great num-
ber of Baptist Churches, namely; The Northern, Conservative, Southern
Convention, General Association of Regular Baptists, Bible Baptist Fellow-
ship, World Fundamental Fellowship; that we draw the lines and refuse their
immersions. The reasons are clear cut, and the examples are undebatable.
Churches receiving such poor authorities on immersion are tearing at the
principle foundations of old line Bible standards upheld for centuries by
scriptural Baptist Churches. Therefore, let us line up by the side of our fore-
fathers and plant our feet firmly on the scriptural ground, letting all Baptist
groups in every quarter know that we are in business with God’s Heritage
and unhestitatingly refuse to participate in their ungodliness.
Be It further recommended that when we, as local Churches, are placed
in a position of accepting a member from a Church within our fellowship
or association which does accept questionable baptisms, we should make a
thorough investigation of such Church.
Done by order of Landmark Baptist Church of Folsom, in regular confer-
ence, February 12, 1975.
Wallace T. Cooper, Moderator
Barbara Ware, Clerk
Whereas the yearbook of the American Baptist Association, only list the
Interstate and Foreign Missionaries of the endorsing churches of the asso-
ciation, this is only a small phase of the work of the churches.
Therefore be It resolved that the churches of the state cooperative associa-
tion purchase a page annually from the minute fund and clerk hire money
and if funds aren’t available then a special offering to be taken dur-
ing the annual meeting of the State Association.
Any missionary and their endorsing church not otherwise listed in the
A.B.A. yearbook be listed along with their address and the address of the
church or mission in which they are working.
Therefore be it further resolved that we authorize our clerk to petition the
messengers when convened in St. Louis, Mo. to set a rate for a paid ad in
the yearbook.
Respectefully submitted,
Dwight Patterson
To the churches composing the Cooperative Association of Missionary Bap-
tist Churches of California when convened at Visalia, Ca.
Dear Brethren:
We, The Southside Missionary Baptist Church of Sacramento Ca. submit
for your consideration the following resolution:
Since Landmark Baptist Churches down through the ages have steadfastly
defended the right of freedom of speech and of the press, though many times
not endorsing what was spoken or printed, but believing that any force that
could be used to stop others could in turn be used to stop them, We therefore
do not endorse the actions of a group calling themselves Landmark Bap-
tists, who allegedly entered a business establishment in Sacramento Ca. and
threw the merchandise out, as they said, “they found it offensive,” though
they were well aware of the kind of business it was before they entered. And
since this act has received a large amount of publicity in the news media
throughout the state, and the name Landmark Baptist has been used in con-
nection with it, Be it therefore resolved; That we the churches of this As-
sociation notify and request the news media to publish the fact that though
we in no way endorse pornography of any kind, neither do we endorse the
actions of this group. Also that they publish the fact that these do not rep-
resent or affiliate with the churches of this Association. Said group being
members of the Landmark Baptist Church on Wyda Way, Sacramento, Ca.
James Wilkins, Pastor.
Done by order of the Southside Missionary Baptist Church of Sacto. Ca. in
regular business conference March 5, 1975.
Earl L. Walker, Moderator
Bonnie Smith, Clerk
Resolution to the California Cooperative Association of Missionary Bap-
tist Churches.
Whereas the Charismatic Movement involving “The speaking in unknown
tongues” has invaded many churches of all denominations,
And whereas Missionary Baptist believe that this movement
is both unscriptural and dangerous to the fellowship of a New Testament
Be it therefore resolved that the California Cooperative Association go on
record as opposing every principle of this movement.
Respectfully submitted, Missionary Baptist
Mission of Nice, Ca.
John Peach, Missionary
Approved by the Faith Missionary Baptist Church of Concord, California
in regular conference March 5, 1975.
James C. Pack, Pastor
WHEREAS, in 1976 the United States of America will be observing the bi-
centennial year of her revolution for independence and freedom and where-
as God has bestowed manifold blessings on this nation from the beginning;
BE IT RESOLVED that we the messengers to the 1975 session of the
California Cooperative Association request that the moderator of the 1976
session of the messenger meeting appoint a committee to plan and present
a special program at the 1976 session that would properly express our ap-
preciation to God for the way he has blessed our nation and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we recommend that local churches
and local associations in California plan and present appropriate services
in their local area during 1976 to commemorate this special year in our na-
tion’s history.
Respectfully submitted,
First Missionary Baptist Church
Antioch, California
Approved in Regular Business Conference
March 5, 1975
Whereas, the annual pastor’s conference at Hume Lake Conference
Grounds has proven to be a means of strengthening the fellowship of the
pastors; and
Whereas, this type of fellowship for the pastors and their wives contributes
to the profit of every church in California;
Therefore, be it resolved: That we recommend to our sister churches that
they pay the fees to the pastor’s confrence for their pastor and his wife and
any missionary and his wife that they sponsor.
Respectfully submitted,
The First Missionary
Baptist Church Woodrbridge, California
Pat G. Christian, Pastor
March 5, 1975
Sadie Waddle, Church Clerk
The 18th Annual session of the State Ladies Auxiliary was held at
3:00 p.m. Monday, March 24 ,1975.
The assembly was welcomed by Sister Maxine Russell of Visalia.
Sister Edwena Creel of Oildale gave the response.
Sister Carole Hamblen, Second Vice President presented the pro-
gram entitled “The Tyranny of the Urgent.”
There were 71 auxiliaries represented. Funds received were desig-
nated as follows:
California Mission Delvelopment
Expense of Meeting
Total received
The 1975 goal selected was California Mission Development.
New officers elected were:
Betty Keeling, Long Beach
1st Vice President
Billie Cain, Martinez
2nd Vice President
Virginia Bynum, Oroville
Pat Clements, Hayward
Assist. Sec: Treas.
Beverly Burch, Norwalk
Ann Walton, Sheridan
Assist Parliamentarian Gall Scott, Visalia
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Keeling, President
Linda Bergstrasser, Clerk
March 25, 1975
The Missionary Committee was called to order at 3:00 p.m., by Bro.
L. E. McCalister. Led in prayer by Bro. Earl Walker.
The clerk read the roll, three members of the standing committee
were absent, Bro. Caves, Bro. Adkins, Bro. Chastain.
Bro. D. S. Madden gave the treasurer’s report which was approved
as read.
Reports were given by the following Missionaries:
Ellis Fisher
Union City
Leonard Smith
Harold Spence
O. E. Hall
W. C. Havens
Eagle Rock Area,
Los Angeles
A letter of resignation from Bro Troy Wagoner was read.
Letters from the following Churches recommending missionaries
for salary:
First Missionary Baptist Church, Antioch — Harold Spence
Cypress Missionary Baptist Church — Leonard Smith
Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Concord — Ellis Fisher
Lockford Missionary Baptist Church — O. E. Hall
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, San Dimas - W. C. Havens
Letter from Country Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, Fresno, rec-
ommending Bro. J. D. Cooper, for designated funds.
Bro. Cooper gave a report on his work in Fresno.
There was a request that the above missionaries state the average atten-
dance where they are working. The following were their responses:
Harold Spence
20 plus
O. E. Hall
J.D. Cooper
W. C. Havens
Motion and second that three (3) missionaries be recommended for sal-
ary. Motion carried.
Motion and second to reconsider the previous motion. Motion carried.
Motion and second to substitute recommendation for four (4) missionaries
for salary Instead of three (3). Motion carried. 2 opposing votes cast.
Motion that the five men recommended for salary by their sponsoring
Churches, be considered as nominees, and the four receiving the most votes
be recommended to the Messenger Body as salaried Missionaries. Motion
The votes were recorded as follows:
O.E. Hall
W. C. Havens
Motion and second that Bro. Havens and Bro. J. D Cooper be recommend-
ed for designated funds Motion carried.
Motion and second that the salary for the missionaries remain the same as
last year, namely; $550.00 salary plus $275.00 housing plus 5% of salary for
Social Security. Motion carried.
Bro. Monroe Patterson presented the need of the Church at Eureka where
Bro. Creel is pastor, asking for prayers and financial help.
Bro. John McClung presented the need of help toward the expense of the
passage to Solomon Islands for a young man from the Living Word Mis-
sionary Baptist Church, of Long Beach, who plans to go with Bro. Morley
to the islands. Funds may be sent to 1473 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, Ca.
Motion and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
Dismissed in prayer by Bro. J. C. Pack.
George N Walton, Clerk
Standing Missionary Committee met at 2:25 p.m. Tuesday.
Bro. Woodall led in prayer.
Motion and second that Bro. L. E. McCalister be our Moderator. Motion
Bro. June Godbehere, Assistant Moderator.
Bro. George Walton, Clerk.
Bro. Duane Richey, Assistant Clerk.
Motion and second to select a Committee to amend article 7 see. 3 to in-
corporate the action regarding starting and ending of salaries of missionaries
with Bro. B. G. Woodall being chairman of the committee. Motion carried.
Committee named — B. G. Woodall, Duane Richey, Ray Bynum, and
George Walton.
Motion and second this same committee draw up a policy regarding the
paying of missionaries changing their endorsing church. Motion carried.
Motion and second the clerk publish in the minutes the pictures and ad-
dresses of the State endorsed missionaries. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn until we meet at Hume Lake at Pastor’s Conference in
1975. Motion carried.
D. S. Madden
1926 W. Ball Road
Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, Anaheim, Ca. 92804
on hand
Paid out
Note: We paid out $676.86 more than we received for the year.
An observation: Since I closed the books, March 20th, another deposit of
$313.70 has been made.
Neither of the missionaries were paid up in full for March; I paid
Bro. Fisher $585.67 — $135.67 of which was for Feb. and I do not
have his report for March to see how much more he needs for full
salary; I paid Bro. Smith $766.75 in March — $316.75 of which
was for Feb., I do not have his report for March to know how much
is needed for full salary for March; I paid Bro. Spence $275.00 for
March and brought a check made out for his full salary for March,
Paid to Bro. Fisher for the year was $5,809.34 Bal. due ?
Paid Bro. Smith for the year $8,395.33; Bal. due ?
Paid Bro. Spence for the year $6,504.02; Bal. due $284.00
Paid Bro. Gage (Designated by So. Gate $120.00; No Bal due
Expense for the year:
With faith in God, and unquestioning acceptance of the Bible as the Word
of God, and sole rule of our faith, we offer to all Missionary Baptist Church-
es of Christ the following Articles of Agreement.
The Cooperative Association of Missionary Baptist Churches of Califor-
The object of this Association is to encourage co-operation and Christian
activity among the churches, to promote interest in and encourage Missions
on a New Testament basis among all people, to stimulate interest in Chris-
tian literature, general benevolence, and Christian education and to provide
a medium through which the churches may co-operate in these enterprises.
Section No. 1 — This association shall be composed of Missionary Baptist
Churches as defined in article number thirteen of the declaration of faith In
J. M. Pendleton’s church manual.
Section No. 2 — The annual or called sessions of this Association shall
be held by messengers elected by the churches composing said Association.
Section No. 3 — Each church cooperating in this Association is entitled to
three messengers whose qualifications shall be determined by the church se-
lecting them. They are to bring letters showing their election by the church,
which letters should give a report of their past year.
Section No. 4 — We recommend to all Scriptural New Testament church-
es, desiring to cooperate with us for the purpose designed in Article II of
these Articles of Agreement, express their desire to this body.
This Association shall recognize the freedom of speech as essential to the
highest achievements in its work. It shall stand or fall on its own conformity
to truth. It shall exercise no ecclesiastical authority but it shall by every
precaution recognize the sovereignity of every individual church. It shall
also encourage on the part of churches and messengers the greatest possible
freedom of expression in discussing matters pertaining to its work,
and in the preeminence of missions and evangelism in the work of the
The powers of the Association shall be limited to the execution according
to the teachings of the New Testament of the will of the churches compos-
ing it; and the Association, in annual sessions, shall elect such officers as
are necessary for its deliberation and work, and appoint such committees as
are needed, and transact other business as may be directed by the churches.
Section No. 1 — It will be the duty of the messengers annually to elect
from among their members a Moderator, two Assistant Moderators, and
such Clerks and other Officers as may be needed or directed by the churches
composing this association.
Section No. 2 — In all votes of this Association a majority of votes cast
shall decide questions; except in cases of change or amendment in the Ar-
ticles of Agreement. In such cases a two-thirds majority will be required.
Such changes must be presented on the first day of the Association and voted
on during any subsequent day.
Section No. 1 — The missionary committee shall be composed of one
member from each cooperating church, when so elected by the church.
Eleven of these shall be elected by the messenger body as a standing com-
mittee. The duty of this committee will be to carry out the expressed wishes
of the cooperating churches through their messengers to this association,
and the distribution of information concerning the needy fields of labor and
the needs of the missionaries. As a need arises, or a request in writing is
presented by a cooperating church to the chairman of the missionary com-
mittee, he may call special meetings of the committee between messenger
meetings. Notification of such meetings will be mailed to each church by
the secretary of the Missionary Committee. Five members of this Standing
Committee will constitute a quorum.
Section No. 2 — The Missionary Committee shall meet annually and rec-
ommend to the messengers from among the church endorsed missionaries
such number as they deem wise for cooperative support, and such salaries as
are compatible with the strength of the churches.
Section No. 3 — The treasurer of this committee shall hold all funds re-
ceived between sessions of this messenger body subject to the will of the
sending church or churches; and in the event of an emergency he shall sub-
scribe to the recommendations of the Missionary
Committee as specified in the amended Article VII Section 1, and keep a
file of reports of missionaries, audit their reports, and publish reports of the
work at least quarterly (monthly if possible) in the state paper.
Section No. 4 — The messengers will elect from among the eleven elected
missionary committee men, the secretary treasurer of missions.
Setion No. 5 — The membership of the Missionary Committee shall be
fairly distributed. among the various sections of the churches which cooper-
ate with this association.
Section No. 1 — All funds of this Association shall be raised by voluntary
donations secured purely upon the merits and the cause, in the interest of
which appeals are made for gifts, provided this is not to prevent the use of
any income or any property that may be acquired by donation or purchase.
Section No. 2 — The Treasurer of this Association shall hold all funds re-
ceived between sessions of this Association subject to the designation of the
sending church or churches.
The annual Meeting Place of the church messengers shall be at such time
and place as the assembled messengers may appoint.
We believe in the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the whole
Bible as originally written, and that the Bible is the all sufficient rule of faith
and practice, II Timothy 3:16,17.
2. We believe in personal, triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
equal in Divine perfection, Matthew 28:19.
3. We believe in the Genesis account of creation. Genesis 1.
4. We believe In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, Matthew 1:20.
5. We believe in the Diety of Jesus Christ, John 10: 30.
6. We believe His crucifixion and suffering was substitutionary and vicari-
ous, II Corinthians 5:21.
7. We believe in the bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ and the
bodily resurrection of His Saints, I Corinthians 16.
8. We believe in the premillenial second coming of Christ, personal and
bodily, as the crowning event of the Gentile age. Acts 1:11.
9. We believe the Bible doctrine of eternal punishment of the finally im-
penitent, Matthew 25:4&
10. We believe the church of Jesus Christ is a congregation of scriptur-
ally baptized believers, that each church is independent, and that no other
ecclesiastical body may exercise authority over it. We believe that the Great
Commission was given to the churches only.
11. We believe that all co-operating bodies are and properly should be the
servants of the churches.
12. We believe that the Scriptures teach that there has been a succession of
true churches adhering to the doctrines and practices of the New Testament
from the time of Christ to this day, and that the churches of this Association
are so Identified.
13. We believe that baptism, to be valid, must be administered by a scrip-
tural Baptist Church.
14. We believe that the Lord’s Supper Is to be administered within the
membership of the local New Testament Church as a memorial of the Lord’s
death, until He comes again, I Corinthians 11:26.
Grace Missionary Baptist, 1926 W. Ball Road, 92804
Pastor: D. S. Madden, 2011 W. Random Drive, Anaheim 92804,
Ph. (714) 772.4614
Clerk: Loretta Ashcraft, 10631 Hazard Street, Garden Grove 92643,
Ph. (714) 531-8756
Messengers: D. S. Madden, Bill Nichols, Betty Nichols
First Missionary Baptist, 510 Texas Street, 94608 Ph. (415) 757.8449
Pastor: Larry Reeves, 3409 Longview Road Antioch 94509,
Ph. (415) 757-3116
Clerk: Jeanne Perdue, Rt. 1, Box A266, Oakley 94561
Ph. (415) 625-2603
Messengers: Larry Reeves, Tom Counts, Hal Spence
First Missionary Baptist, P. O. Box 897
Pastor: Allen Adkins, 10669 Balm of Gilead, P. O. Box
697, Armona 93202, Ph. (209) 584-1451
Clerk: Carol Downing, 10650 (Burlwood Lane, Lemoore 93245, Ph. 924-5485
Messengers: Allen Adkins, Leo Porter, Rodger Youders
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 1220 Farroll Road, 93420
Pastor: James Roberts, 1220 Farroll Road, Arroyo
Grande 93420, Ph. (805) 489-7572
Clerk: Arlena Robinson, 980 Mentone Ave., Grover City 93433,
Ph. (805) 489-7193
Messengers: James Roberts, Loretta Roberts
Landmark Baptist, 0325 El Bordo Read, P. 0. Box 1095, 98422
Pastor: Frank Fundaro, 7940 Castano, Atascadero
93422, Ph. 466-9268
Clerk: Ann Croom, 9250 San Marcos, Atascadero
93422, Ph. 466-0669
Messengers: Frank Fundaro, Linda Fundaro, Daniel Orona
Bethel Missionary Baptist, 1724 Aliens Drive
Pastor: Loren Morrill, 920 Sylvia Dr., Bakersfield 93304, Ph. 831-8002
Clerk: Kathy Lykins, 5901 Akers Rd., Bakersfield 93309, Ph. 832-2834
Messengers: Loren Morrill
Spanish Missionary Baptist Mission, (temporary
meeting at New Hope), 200 Quantico St. 98307
Pastor: (Missionary) Gregory D. Andino
First Missionary Baptist, 1604 Southgate Dr., 93304
Pastor: Gary Max, 2011 S. Eye St., Bakersfield 93304 Ph. (805) 8324946
Clerk: Mary Price, 625 Orchard Dr., Arvin 93203 Ph. (805) 854-5177
Messengers: Bro. & Sis. Gary Max
New Bethel Missionary Baptist, 1015 Castro Lane
Pastor: J. W. Collum, 1320 Woodrow Ave., Oildale 93308, Ph. (805) 399-1040
Clerk: Erma Carter, 1320% Woodrow Ave., Oildale 93308, Ph. (805) 399-1606
Messengers: By Letter
New Hope Missionary Baptist, 200 Quantico
Pastor: A. D. Story, 1636 Camino Sierra, Bakersfield 93306, Ph. 871-5664
Clerk: Gay Story, 1124 Brentwood Dr., Bakersfield 93306, Ph. 366-6079
Messengers: James Story, Gay Story, Karen Van Sant
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 34880 Cedar Rd., 92311 Ph. (714) 253-7280
Pastor: Lindon T. Sparks, 35198 Walnut St., Barstow 92311
Clerk: Linda Sparks, 35198 Walnut St., Barstow 92311
Messengers: By Letter
First Missionary Baptist, 9306 Rosser, 90706
Pastor: Roy M. Reed, 9322 Rosser St., Bellflower 90706, Ph. 866-0601
Clerk: Maxine Kinz, 9344 Greenwell St, Bellflower 90706, Ph. 867-7864
Messengers: Roy M. Reed, I. K. Cross, Dale Baldridge
New Testament Missionary Baptist, 15530 Woodruff Ave., (Y.M.C.A. Building)
Pastor: William K. Frensley, Azusa Pacific College, Box 5044, Azusa 91702,
Ph. (213) 335-4251
Clerk: Marguerite Fitzpatrick, 11830 Fairford Ave., Norwalk 90650,
Ph. (213) 864-4290
Messengers: W. K. Frensley
First Missionary Baptist, 10039 Larch
Pastor: Howard Estus, 10021 Larch, Bloomington 92316, Ph. 877-3180
Clerk: Sarah Cedella Wells, 19385 Pomona St., Bloomington 92316,
Ph. 877-5418
Messengers: By Letter
First Baptist, 657 McClarren Rd.
Pastor: Ron Cowger, 346 Pippo, Brentwood 94513 Ph. 634-1864
Clerk: Dorothy Arp, 120 Lynn Dr., Brentwood 94513
Ph. 634.4798
Messengers: Ron Cowger, Rick Dacus
First Missionary Baptist, 8302 Artesia
Pastor: O0
C. Wilkins, 14328 Plantana, La Mirada Ph. (213) 944-7122
Clerk: Willma Lyon, 6071 Homewood, Buena Park 90620, Ph. 521-8373
Messengers: By Letter
Immanuel Missionary Baptist, 503 E. 220, P. 0. Box 4522, 90749
Pastor: Jerry M. Waymire, 926 E. 222, Carson 90745 Ph. (213) 549-0483
Clerk: Bertha Wheeler, 22533 Fries, Carson 90745 Ph. (213) 835-6936
Messengers: Jerry M. Waymire, Sis. Waymire
Dairyland Missionary Baptist, 11588 Ave. 181/2
Pastor: (Missionary) T. L. Wagoner, 11588 Ave. 1834, Chowchilla 93610,
Ph. 665-4082
Clerk: Carolyn Wagoner, 11588 Ave. 1834 Chowchilla 93610, Ph. 665.4082
Messengers: Troy Wagoner, Carol Wagoner, Lou Pitman
Faith Missionary Baptist, 4061 Treat Blvd., 94518
Pastor: James C. Pack, 4260 Thompson Rd., Concord 94518, Ph. (415) 687-4497
Clerk: Mary L. Taylor, 700 Michele Dr., Martinez 94553, Ph. (415) 228-5672
Messengers: James C. Pack, John Peach, Ellis Fisher
First Missionary Baptist, Hale and Patterson
Pastor: Richard Woodall, 1315 Patterson, Corcoran 93212
Clerk: Margaret Allen, 1503 Claire Ave., Corcoran 93212
Messengers: By Letter
Dinuba Landmark Missionary Baptist, 40568 Road 84, (mailing address:
681 E. Harvard Ave., Dinuba 93618)
Pastor: John F. Stevens, 681 E. Harvard Ave., Dinuba 93618, Ph. (209) 591-6267
Clerk: Floella Cain, 861 First Ave., Dinuba 93618 Ph. 591.4671
Messengers:. John F. Stevens, Ernest Cain, Floella Cain
Central Missionary Baptist, 13444 Bixler
Pastor: Ronald Campbell, 13444 Bixler, Downey 90242 Ph. 531-3085
Clerk: Carol Raper, 13463 Laureldale, Downey 90242 Ph. 634-5604
Messengers: Ron Campbell, Shirley Campbell, J. Grim
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 316 Santa Fe Ave.
Pastor: Wayne Easlon, P. 0. Box 127, Empire 95319 Ph. 523-9765
Clerk: Mary Bennett, P. O. Box 834, Empire 95319 Ph. 526-1260
Messengers: Wayne Ealson, Ernest Bennett, Helen Easlon
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2301 E. Washington Ave., 92027
Pastor: (Missionary) Douglas E. Rogers, Ph. (714) 743-0352
Clerk: Rosalie Wilson, 1048 Metcalf, Escondido 92026 Ph. (714) 746-2189
Messengers: By Letter
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2337 Kipling Dr., 95501
Pastor: Clifford P. Creel, 1720 Virginia Way, Arcata 95521, Ph. (707) 822.8758
Clerk: Barbara Daniels, 2625 Beechwood Dr., Eureka 95501, Ph. (707) 445-0332
Messengers: Clifford Creel, Debbie Creel
Fairfield Missionary Baptist, 412 Travis Blvd., P. O. Box 249, 94533
Pastor: Duane Richey, 2339 Gull Ct., Fairfield 94533 Ph. 422-0372
Clerk: Rosa Mae Nicholson, 701 Utah Street, Fairfield 94533, Ph. 425-2509
Messengers: Duane Richey, Ramona Richey
Landmark Baptist, 609 Figueroa St. Ph. 985-2922
Pastor: Wallace T. Cooper, 118 McKiernan Dr., Folsom 95630, Ph. 985-4407
Clerk: Barbara Ware, 7108 Bobby St., Orangevale 95662, Ph. 988-6416
Messengers: Wallace Cooper, Pat Cooper, Gary Perdue
Fortuna Missionary Baptist, 13th & L St.
Pastor: Tim Sullivan, 534 12th St., Fortuna 95540 Ph. (707) 725-9267
Clerk: Pamela J. Vance, 3860 F St., Eureka 95501 Ph. 445-1105
Messengers: Ken Criswell, Tim Sullivan, Loretta Sullivan
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2151 Freedom Blvd., 95019, Ph, 722-2100
Pastor: Jack Wilkins, 11 Buena Vista, Freedom 95019 Ph. 722-4945
Clerk: Ninon Edsall, 104 Santa Clara St., Watsonville 95076, Ph. 7246654
Messengers: Jack Wilkins, Keith French, Lavers Wilkins
Missionary Baptist Mission
Pastor: Ellis Fisher, 6083 Madelaine Dr., Newark 94560 Ph. (415) 792-7015
Clerk: Beth Weaver, 7341 Birkdale Dr, Newark 94560 Ph. (415) 793-3273
Messengers: By Letter
Calvary Missionary Baptist, 757 So. Orange
Pastor: William Roberts, 3522 E. El Monte, Fresno
Clerk: Marie Polle, 3645 E. Clay, Fresno 93702
Messengers: Bill Roberts, Hilda Roberts, Roy Gibbs
Country Landmark Missionary Baptist, 5704 W. Belmont, 93705
Pastor: (Missionary) J. D. Cooper, 5704 W. Belmont, Fresno 93705,
Ph. 266-8201
Clerk: Flossie Isenhower, 4135 W. Olive, Fresno 93705 Ph. 485.7968
Messengers: By Letter
First Missionary Baptist, 390 N. Maple
Pastor: Burel G. Burnes, 380 N. Maple, Fresno 93702 Ph. (209) 255-5546
Clerk: Ruth Burnes, 380 N. Maple, Fresno 93702 Ph. (209) 255-5546
Messengers: Burel G. Burnes, Clay Hunsucker, Stacy Kniffin
McKinley Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2052 N. Katy Lane
Pastor: H. C. Albritten, 2042 N. Katy Lane, Fresno 93705, Ph. 268-1334
Clerk: Irene Taylor, 2228 N. Bryan, Fresno 93705 Ph. 268-0584
Messengers: Dan Taylor, Irene Taylor, Betty Albritten
Glendale Missionary Baptist
Pastor: Jack Cazier, 1337 E. Barrington Way, Glendale 91206,
Ph. (213) 241-1505
Clerk: Melinda Parrill, 430 W. Broadway, Glendale 91204,
Ph. (213) 243-2668
Messengers: Jack Cazier, Sis. Cazier, Sis. Parrlll
Artesia Missionary Baptist, 21312 Norwalk Blvd.
Pastor: Glenn Ridings, 3516 A. Beechwood, Lynwood 90262,
Ph. (213) 631-7198
Clerk: Connie Kemp, 8541 Lyndora, Downey 90242 Ph. 861-9584
Messengers: Nadine Ridings
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist, 19126 Meekland Ave., 94541
Pastor: Larry Clements, 19126 Meekland Ave., Hayward 94541,
Ph. (415) 276-7768
Clerk: Pat Clements, 19126 Meekland Ave., Hayward 94541,
Ph. (415) 276-7768
Messengers: Larry Clements, Pat Clements, Matrid Kelly
Heber Missionary Baptist, 1136 Heber Ave., 92249
Pastor: Keith W. Blanton, 1136 A Heber Ave.,
P. O. Box 243, Heber 92249, Ph. (714) 352-1768
Clerk: Joan Mullins, 1129 Parkyn St., P. O. Box 3, Heber 92249,
Ph. (714) 352-7449
Messengers: Keith W. Blanton, Catherine Blanton, Dennis Sullivan
Hughson Missionary Baptist, 2200 Second
Pastor: Julian Anderson: 2200 Second, P. O. Box 426 Empire 95319,
Ph. 883-4131
Clerk: Louise Hall, P. O. Box 71, Delhi 95315 Ph. 634-1011
Messengers: Julian Anderson, Alvie Anderson, Hap Morgan
Keyes Missionary Baptist, 5528 - 8th and Martha St., P.O. Box 397, 95328
Pastor: Sherman Burelson, 5529-8th, P. O. Box 725, Keyes 95328,
Ph. 537-3069
Clerk: Irene Burelson. 5529-8th, P. O. Box 725, Keyes 95328.
Ph. 537-3069
Messengers: By Letter
Lancaster Missionary Baptist, 42515 22nd St. W.
Pastor: None at present
Clerk: Deanna Elkins, 1132 W. Ave. J-15, Lancaster 93534,
Ph. (805) 942-6009
Messengers: By Letter
Landmark Baptist, 8232 East Ave. 30th,
Pastor: H. T. Hubbard, 1617 East Ave 1, sp 31, Lancaster 93534,
Ph. (805) 948-9300
Clerk: Joice Craig, 38610 Stanridge Ave., Palmdale 93550,
Ph. 947-7423
Messengers: H. T. Hubbard
Missionary Baptist
Pastor: G. A. Williams, J 20042 N. Ray Rd., Lodi 95340, Ph. 368.9868
Clerk: Jimmey G. Lang, P. O. Box 38, Lockeford 95237, Ph. 368-8684
Messengers: G. A. Williams
First Missionary Baptist, 2154 W. 245th St., P. O. Box 296, 90717,
Ph. 325-4620
Pastor: Arthur E. Richardson, 2463 W. 255th St., Lomita 90717,
Ph. (213) 835-6103
Clerk: Betty Cline, 817 W. 229th St., Torrance 90502 Ph. (213) 834.7939
Messengers: Arthur E. Richardson, Billie Richardson, Lee Richardson
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 708 N. 3rd St., 93436
Pastor: None at present
Clerk: Pauline Garner, 913 East Barton Ave., Lompoc 93436,
Ph. (805) 736-8162
Messengers: Gus Dodd, Ron Hernandez
First Baptist of Dominguez, 2679 E. Carson, 90810
Pastor: Martin Canavan, 2715 Washington, Long Beach 90810,
Ph. (213) 834-5113
Clerk: Louise Coberly, 22039 Evonda Ave.,
Long Beach 90810, Ph. (213) 835-9576
Messengers: Martin Canavan, Ron Stone, Richard Hebb
Living Word Baptist, 1473 Atlantic Ave.
Pastor: John E. McClung, 1076 E. 17th St., Long Beach 90813, Ph. 591-0813
Clerk: Hazel D. Johnson, 3345 Santa Fe Ave., Long Beach 90807,
Ph. 424-0693
Messengers: John McClung, Sis. McClung, Patrick Mahoney
Sharon Missionary Baptist, 901 E. South St., 90805
Pastor: Milford Keeling, 154 Osgood, Long Beach 90805, Ph. (213) 423.5034
Clerk: Billie Jean Michau, 13939 Carfax Ave., Bellflower 90706,
Ph. (213) 925-2644
Messengers: Milford Keeling, Betty Keeling
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist, 1137 Eastern Ave., 90022
Pastor: Heriberto Guerrero, 7623 Camellia Ave., North Hollywood 91605,
Ph. 764-7332
Clerk: Ana I. Herrera, 7623 Camellia Ave. North Hollywood 91605,
Ph. 764-73h2
Messengers: By Letter
Los Angeles Baptist Mission, 2109 Merton Ave., (mailing address) c/o
J. E. Thompson, 1036 Glen Arbor, Los Angeles 90041
Pastor: (Missionary) C. William Havens
Missionary Baptist
Pastor: A. P. Shoemake, P. O. Box 484, Lost Hills 93249, Ph. (805) 797-2284
Clerk: Hazel Shoemake, P. O. Box 484, Lost Hills 93249,
Ph. (805) 797-2284
Messengers: Hazen Shoemake
Antioch Baptist, 5238 Clark St., 90262
Pastor: Neil V. Morley, 6101 Lincoln Ave., South Gate 90280, Ph. (213) 630-1363
Clerk: Lillian Morley, 11470 Birch, Lynwood 90262 Ph. (213) 638-9922
Messengers: Neil V. Morley, Evelyn B. Morley
First Missionary Baptist, 126 E. Edison St., 95336
Pastor: Charles Spain, 126 E. Edison St., Manteca 95336, Ph. 823-1447
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist, 391 Arthur Road
Pastor: James Cain, 391 Arthur Road, Martinez 94553, Ph. 229-1327
Clerk: Adell Faulkner, 27 Alan Way, Martinez 94553 Ph. 228-7262
Messengers: James Cain, Wilma Cain, Clinton Story
First Missionary Baptist, 769 3rd Street, 93250, Ph. (805) 792.3191
Pastor: Gary Buff, P. O. Box 1571, 765 3rd Street, McFarland 93250,
Ph. (805) 792-2754
Clerk: Burl Beene, Rt. 1, Box 1037, Delano, 93215
Ph. (805) 725-2632
Messengers: Gary Buff, Lynn Buff
First Missionary Baptist, 530 El Roblar Drive
Pastor: Bob DeSoto, P. O. Box 683, Ojai 93023
Ph. (213) 865-1601
Clerk: Debbie Miller, P. O. Box 683, Ojai 93023
Ph. (805) 646-8446
Messengers: Bob DeSoto
Landmark Missionary Baptist
Pastor: (Missionary) O. E. Hall, 1630 Shirley Street, Merced 95340,
Ph. 723-9230
Clerk: Nina Tyndall, 2292 N. Beachwood Dr., Merced 95340,
Ph. 723-9230
First Missionary Baptist, 10819 58th Street, 91752
Pastor: E. E. Crawford, 10831 58th Street, Mira Loma Ph. (714) 685-4776
Clerk: Nancy L. Bludworth, 9797 Saratoga, Montclair 91763,
Ph. (714) 624-8884
Messengers: E. E. Crawford, Naoma Crawford, Shirl St. Clair
Tully Road Missionary Baptist, 4831 Tully Rd.
Pastor: E. A. Sharver, 2913 Tully Rd., Modesto 95350
Ph. 523-7696
Clerk: Sandra Danley, 1716 Dorset Ln., Modesto 95355
Ph. 522-1230
Messengers: E. A. Sharver, Lois Sharver, R. G. South
Napa Valley Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2303 Trower Ave., 94558
Pastor: R. A. Weathers, 862 Pueblo Ave., Napa 94558 Ph. (707) 255-9068
Clerk: Judy Williams, 4191 Big Ranch Road, Napa 94558, Ph. (707) 255.6450
Messengers: R. A. Weathers, Lecil Jones, Shirley Weathers
Missionary Baptist Mission, Carson & Floyd Way, Hwy. 20, 95404
Pastor: (Missionary) John H. Peach, 4260 Hwy. 20
(star route) Nice 95464, Ph. (707) 274-1752
Clerk: Rose Peach, 4260 Hwy. 20 (star route), Nice
95464, Ph. (707) 274-1752
Messengers: Same as Concord
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 249 Oakglen Street, 93444
Pastor: Fred Branscum, Nipomo 93444 Ph. 929-3716
Clerk: Maryann Bozarth, 346 Sherry Ln., Santa Maria 93454, Ph. 937-1403
Messengers: Fred Branscuin, Bro. McCain, Sis. McCain
Crown Missionary Baptist, 652 Sixth St.
Pastor: Richard Paslay, 955 Cole St., Norco 91760 Ph. (714) 735-9424
Clerk: Jeannette Cash, 2657 Corona Ave., Norco 91760 Phb (714) 734-1423
Messengers: Richard Paslay, LaDean Paslay
Highlands Missionary Baptist, 4130 Baptist Ct., 95000
Pastor: B. G. Woodall, 4130 Baptist Ct, North Highlands 95660,
Ph. 332-9257
Clerk: Flora Cooper, 5022 Harrison St., North Highlands 95660,
Ph. 331-4830
Messengers: B. G. Woodall, Bonnie Woodall, Flora Cooper
Norwalk Missionary Baptist, 11429 Beaty Ave.
Pastor: Richard O. Burch, 14035 Halcourt, Norwalk 90650,
Ph. (213) 868-3393
Clerk: Marilyn Mosley, 8036 3/4 Alhambra, Paramount 90723,
Ph. (213) 634-7221
Messengers: Richard Burch, Beverly Burch
First Missionary Baptist, P.O. Box 1380, 95361
Pastor: Missionary James Ligon, Oakdale 95361
Clerk: Anita Pacheco, P. O. Box 1380, Oakdale 95361 Ph. 847-0044
Messengers: James Ligon, Carol Ligon
Bethel Missionary Baptist
Pastor: Joseph LaPointe, 1588 Windsor Way, Brentwood 94513,
Ph. (415) 634.4628
Clerk: Elaine Jones, Route 2, Box 750, Brentwood 94513, Ph. (415) 634-3747
Messengers: Joseph LaPointe, Edna Willis, Ruby Jons
First Missionary Baptist, 1421 Wilson Ave.
Pastor: Fred C. Creel, 1421 Wilson Ave., Oildale 93308 Ph. 399-0086
Clerk: Iris Gafford, 328 Woodrow Ave., Oildale 93308 Ph. 399-3888
Messengers: Fred Creel, Edwina Creel, Lela Eaton
Antioch Missionary Baptist, 192 S. Orange
Pastor: L. E. McCalister, 1002 Trinton, Orange 92667 Ph. (714) 6394147
Clerk: Kathie Siemons, 4073 Ramona, Orange 92665 Ph. (714) 998-3029
Messengers: L. E. McCallster, Mary McCallster, Barbara Reid
Olive Hill Missionary Baptist, 2905 Olive Hwy.
Pastor: Raymond L. Bynum, 2903 Olive Hwy Orovllle 95965,
Ph. (916) 533-1371
Clerk: Georgina Elam, Box 7071 F.F. Star Rt., Oroville 95965,
Ph. (916) 533-2251
Messengers: Raymond Bynum, Virginia Bynum, David Butimore
First Missionary Baptist, 200 South D Street
Pastor: Jimmy R. Wplliams, 4510 Cloyna Street, Apt. 1, Oxnard 93030,
Ph. (805) 488-6863
Clerk: Louise Brown, 421 Stroube, Oxnard 93030 Ph. (805) 485-5205
Messengers: Jimmy Williams, Wilma Williams
Landmark Missionary Baptist
Pastor: A. H. McGee, 31 Madill St, Antioch 94509
Ph. 757-4904
Clerk: Louise Mott, 253 El Camino Dr., Pittsburg 94565, Ph. 439-1819
Messengers: By Letter
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 1165 S. Gibbs
Pastor: Dennis F. Heinold, 286 W. Euclid Pl., Upland 91786, Ph. (714) 985-8862
Clerk: Sandra Parsons, 1468 S. San Antonio, Pomona 91766, Ph. (714) 622-6134
Messengers: By Letter
First Missionary Baptist, 165 East Putnam
Pastor: Kenneth Hooper, 808 Rose Ln., Porterville 93257,
Ph. (209) 781-1618
Clerk: Patti Dillon, 121 North Cobb, Porterville 93257 Ph. (209) 784-8561
Messengers: Jess Richetls, Kenneth Hooper, Audeen Hooper
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 1437 Springville Dr.
Pastor: Kenneth Duncan, 1491 E. Springville Dr., Porterville 93257
Clerk: Thelma Reeves, 575 South Conner St., Porterville 93257
Messengers: Kenneth Duncan, Robert Campbell, Kenneth Ellis
Shasta Missionary Baptist, 1929 - 8th Street, 96001
Pastor: David Housewright, 2861 Churn Ct., Redding 96001, Ph. 246-1449
Clerk: Martha Housewright, 2861 Churn Ct., Redding 96001, Ph. 246-1449
Messengers: David Housewright, Martha Housewright
First Missionary Baptist, 1100 Occidental
Pastor: Joe M. Steddum, 11446 Terracina, (mailing) Rt. 2, Box 105,
Redlands 92373, Ph. 792-0960
Clerk: Betty J. Stephens, 445 S. Buena Vista, Redlands 92373, Ph. 792-2795
Messengers: By Letter
Valley Missionary Baptist, 18401 Keswick St.
Pastor: J. W. Godbehere, 18355 Keswick St., Reseda 91344,
Ph. (213) 343-8494
Clerk: Marion E. Lackie, 10745 Hayvenhurst Ave., Granada Hills 91344,
Ph. (213) 363-3765
Messengers: June Godbehere, Michey Godbehere, Twila Godbehere
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 446 W. Ridgecrest Blvd., 93555
Pastor: Harley W. Baker, 436 W. Wilson St., Ridgecrest 93555,
Ph. (714) 375.4223
Clerk: Ruth M. Mickle, P. O. Box 1232, Ridgecrest 93555,
Ph. (714) 377-4246
Messengers: Joyce Baker, Isabelle Edgino, Jo Baker
Rio Dell Landmark Missionary Baptist, 1271 Eeola Ave., 95562
Pastor: Gerald Loyd, P. O. Box 236, Hydesville 95547 Ph. 768-3830
Clerk: Barbara Wilson, 645 Gunnerson Ln., Rio Dell 95562, Ph. 764-3792
Messengers: By Letter
First Missionary Baptist, P.O. Box 405
Pastor: C. C. Wright, 5201 Patterson Rd., Riverbank 95367,
Ph. (209) 869-1255
Clerk: Freida Dunn, 3712 Nevada Ave., Riverbank 95367,
Ph. (209) 869-1079
Messengers: C. C. Wright, Betty Wright, Freida Dunn
Calvary Missionary Baptist, 3001 Marysville Blvd., 95815
Pastor: Charles O. Trotter, 5480 - 48th St., Sacramento 95820, Ph. 451-4407
Clerk: Mary J. Trotter, 5480 - 48th St., Sacramento 95520, Ph. 451-4407
Messengers: Charles O. Trotter
Cypress Missionary Baptist, 7933 Bradshaw Rd.
Pastor: Ottis Dees, 7933 Bradshaw Rd., Sacramento 95823,, Ph. 363-4760
Clerk: Janice Ross, 7021 Power Inn Rd., Sacramento 95828, Ph. 383-3762
Messengers: Ottis Dees, J. T. Ross, Helen Dees
Faith Landmark Missionary Baptist, 5940 71st Street
Pastor: Leonard Smith, 7136 Astron Parkway, Sacramento 95823,
Ph. 428.7833
Clerk: LaBertha Robinson, 10369 Birmingham Way, Rancho Cordova,
Ph. 363-1640
Messengers: By Letter
Southside Missionary Baptist, 7497 Persimmon Ave.
Pastor: Earl L. Walker, 8176 Judette Way, Sacramento 95828, Ph. 383-5197
Clerk: Bonnie Smith, 7518 Flamingo Way, Sacramento 95828
Messengers: Earl L. Walker, Gary Landrus
First Missionary Baptist, 1201 Garner, 73901
Pastor: Lonnie Wiggins, 44 Midway, Salinas 93901 Ph. 758-1952
Clerk: Gladys White, 1416 Alma, Salinas 93901 Ph. 422-0565
Messengers: Bro. Wiggins, Bro. Reese, Bro. Hamblen
San Diego First Missionary Baptist, 5526 Lake Parkway,
(at Lake Murray Blvd.) La Mesa 92041
Pastor: E. K. Begley, 5526 Lake Park Way, La Mesa 92041, Ph. 469-8140
Clerk: Mrs. Jim Lisenbe, 5526 Lake Park Way, La Mesa 92041, Ph. 466-5423
Messengers: E. K. Begley
Calvary Missionary Baptist, 144 E. First Street, (P. 0. Box 393), 91773
Pastor: Larry W. Crouch, 301 N. San Dimas Cyn. Rd., No. 93, San Dimas 91773,
Ph. (714) 599-6205
Clerk: Marlin Thompson, 823 W. Paramount, Azusa 91702, Ph. (213) 334-0823
Messengers: Larry W. Crouch, C. W. Havens, Kevin Rachel
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 499 Coyote Rd., Ph. 227-5401
Pastor: Royce Smith, 499 Coyote Rd., San Jose 95111 Ph. 277-8075
Assoc.Pastor: Jerry Hamblen, 481 Coyote Rd., San Jose 95111, Ph. 578-5493
Clerk: Mayvis Allen, 2063 Pacina Dr., San Jose 95116 Ph. 258-9194
Messengers: Royce Smith, Pat Smith, Jerry Hamblen
Shiloh Missionary Baptist, 1417 “8” St.
Pastor: Wayne Ross, 13891 E. Anna Dale, Sanger 93657
Brookside Missionary Baptist, 2060 Brookside Dr., 94806
Pastor: Howard Eddings, Sr., 2060 Brookside Dr., San Pablo 94806,
Ph. (415) 235-9248
Clerk: Carolyn Drybread, 6318 Potrero Ave., El Cerrito 94530,
Ph. (415) 232-6782
Messengers: Howard Eddings, Sr., Elizabeth Ray
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2155 Chanticleer Ave.,
Pastor: Dewey Caves, 2155 ChanticleerAve., Santa Cruz 95062, Ph. (408) 476-1724
Clerk: Kenneth Fisher, 4430 Gladys Ave., Santa Cruz 95062, Ph. (408) 476-3237
Messengers: Dewey Caves, Sis. Caves, Mark Caves
First Missionary Baptist, 375 Calistoga Rd.
Pastor: Robert B. Williams, 385 Garfield Park Dr., Santa Rosa 95405,
Ph. (707) 539-1873
Clerk: Zola Jefferson, 3919 Alta Vista Ave., Santa Rosa 95405,
Ph. (707) 525-0452
Messengers: Robert Williams, Joyce Williams, Larry Jefferson
Shafter Missionary Baptist, 202 Golden West
Pastor: Dennis Oliver
Clerk: Ina Thomas, 226 E. Orange, Shatter 93263
Messengers: Frank Preston, Elva Preston
Landmark Missionary Baptist, Camp Far West Rd.
(P. O. Box 66), 95681
Pastor: George N. Walton, P. O. Box 66, Sheridan 95681,
Ph. (916) 633-2487
Clerk: Geraldine Sims, P. 0. Box 99, Wheatland 95692,
Ph. (916) 633-2927
Messengers: George N. Walton, T. H. Springer, George Beaver
Simi Valley Missionary Baptist, 4495 Barnard St., 93063
Pastor: Milton T. Hayes, 1316 Whitcomb St., Simi Valley 93065,
Ph. 527-0454
Clerk: Eunice Brizendine, 1569 Bowing, Simi Valley 93065,
Ph. 527-2559
Messengers: Milton Hayes, Peggy Hayes
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 2953 Sequoia Ave.
Pastor: Dwight Patterson, 15027 Capistrano, South Gate 90280,
Ph. 5644718
Clerk: Earleen Allen, 10444 San Anselmo, South Gate 90280,
Ph. 564-2385
Messengers: Dwight Patterson, Sis. Patterson, G. L. Tennison
Eastside Missionary Baptist, 17 North Oro
Pastor: Gordon Richwine, 17 North Oro, Stockton 95205,
Ph. 464-7456
Clerk: Louise Crossland, 16447 South Austin Rd., Manteca 95336,
Ph. 823-1801
Messengers: Gordon Richwine, Ecklyn Richwine
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 301 E. Alpine St, 95204
Pastor: Ben Crawford, 920 S. Searchlight, Stockton 95205,
Ph. 462-3671
Clerk: Ruth Moss, 854 S. Drake Ave., Stockton 95205
Ph. 462-0352
Messengers: Ben Crawford, Anna Crawford
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist, 1752 S. `B” St., 95206
Pastor: James B. Wooding, 2040 E. Fourth St., Stockton 95206,
Ph. (209) 463-9851
,Clerk: Alice Hurley, 1884 W. Acacia, Stockton 95203
Ph. (209) 465.8086
Messengers: James Wooding, Jayne Wooding
Fellowship Missionary Baptist, 168 E. McKinley Ave., 94086
Pastor: Harold D. Chadwick, 727 Lakemuir Dr., Sunnyvale 94086,
Ph. 734-3453
Clerk: Alice B. O’Cana, 3323 Vincent Dr., Santa Clara 95051,
Ph. 244-0259
Messengers: By Letter
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 1228 Brookfield, 94087
Pastor: Harold Cole, 1203 Parkington Ave., Apt. 2, Sunnyvale 94087
Clerk: Loralee Pound, 165 Butano Ave., Sunnyvale 94086,
Ph. (415) 961-2010
Messengers: Harold Cole
Landmark Missionary Baptist
Pastor: None at present
Clerk: Eileen Taylor, 121 Burlwood Dr., Scotts Valley
Ph. 438-0373 or 438-3505
Messengers: By Letter
Tulare Missionary Baptist, 947 W. Kern, 83274,
Pastor: None at Present
Clerk: Shirley Rybnikar, 486 South Spruce St., Tulare 93274,
Ph. 688-8370
Messengers: Shirley Rybnikar, Debbie Fuller
First Missionary Baptist, 1205 Taylor Ave.
Pastor: Virgil G. Mooring, 1205 Taylor Ave., Vallejo 94590,
Ph. (707) 6443026
Clerk: J. C. Prescott, 1819 Lincoln Ave., Richmond 94801,
Ph. (415) 234-7767
Messengers: Virgil G. Mooring, Henry Vales, Sr., Mae Mooring
First Missionary Baptist, 4454 N. Ventura Ave.
Pastor: Bill Fritz, 331 So. Pueblo, Ojai Ph. 646-7042
Clerk: Betty Foster, 145 N. Seaward, Ventura 93003 Ph. 643.1874
Messengers: Bill Fritz, Jim Fritz
Landmark Missionary Baptist, 16663 A St., P. O. Box 1118
Pastor: Lester L. Acton, 15112 Las Piedras, Victorville 92392,
Ph. (714) 245.1589
Clerk: Helen L. Acton, 15112 Las Piedras, Victorville 92392,
Ph. (714) 245-1589
Messengers: Hershel Pollard, Carolyn Hyde, Velma Loe
First Landmark Missionary Baptist, 631 N. Chinowth, 93277
Pastor: Kenneth Wayne Beene, 2641 So. Encina, Visalia 93277,
Ph. 732-2740
Clerk: Paul Blackburn, 4017 W. Cambridge, Visalia 93277, Ph. 734-
Messengers: Wayne Beene, Lester Scott, Red Justis
Central Missionary Baptist, Third & Poplar
Pastor: Dieter W. Bergstrasser, 2241 First St., Wasco 93280,
Ph. 758-5676
Clerk: Shelby McDaniel, 1700 Second St., Wasco 93280, Ph. 758-3104
Messengers: D. W. Bergstrasser, Linda Bergstrasser, J. Phillips
Wilmington Missionary Baptist, 1003 N. Bayview
Pastor: Bob Roderick, 10123 Park St., Bellflower 90707
Ph. 634-1104
Clerk: Carol Ann Burns, 1003 N. Bayview Ave., Wilmington 90477,
Ph. 328-3384
Messengers: By Letter
Woodbridge Missionary Baptist, 673 W. Woodbridge Rd.,
(mailing) 673 E. Woodbridge Rd., Lodi 95240
Pastor: Pat Christian, 673 E. Woodrbridge Rd., Lodi 95240,
Ph. 368-9896
Clerk: Sadie Waddle, 5790 E. Jahant Rd., Galt 95632 Ph. 368-1660
... absent from the body, present with the Lord.”
Dennis Richwine
Edith Bittle
(New Bethel)
Ethel Gafford
Becky Smith
Lula Meyers
(New Testament)
Jimmy Cox
Jessie Arnold
Lucy Biddle
Cliff Clauson
O. R. Davis
Ruth Davis
Roy Tefft
Lou Thayer
Roy Pole
Ethel Anderson
Marion Sheek
Dee Anderson
William Garland Ruff
Nubert Siniard
Harold Weatherly
Eula A. Johnson
Annie Alice Frith
Virginia Preston
James Brewster
Opal Pointer
Randy McKenzie
Warren Prettyman
Lillian Terrell
Bertha Miller
Luther Pember
Pamela Sue Scott
Eften McNally
Josephine Wofford
Nolan Hale
Lilian Moden
Hattie Wilchere
Paul Turner
Lester Gregory
Lumon Dennison
Henry T. Huffstuttler
Anna Meadows
William Harmer
Robert W. Britt
Edith McFerran
William Smith
Rex A. Burgess
John C. Smith
Floyd Tillman
Ewell Mitchell
Rose Douroux
Lillian Thompson
Wally Porter
Elizabeth Webb
Nora Henderson
STOCKTON (Eastside)
Rosa Churchman
Letha Brown
O11ie Parsons
Roxie Sasser
Hiawatha Crain
Jacqueline Crain
Teresa Slater
Balanceper page 49, 1974 minutes
$ 933.84
printing, postage
mailing supplies
Total Paid Out
$ 814.78
Balance on hand to account for
Received at Visalia
Received from Dr. Hoyt Chastain - publicity
Total to account for
Paid Out
D. S. Madden — salary & expenses
MartinCanavan — clerk hire
City of Visalia for auditorium
Envelopes& forms
$ 744.65
Balance on hand for minutes
Total In the bank for expenses
Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting
of the
State Ladies’ Auxiliary
Cooperative Association
Missionary Baptist Churches
of California
Together with a complete directory of officers and a list of auxiliaries repre-
The Eighteenth Annual Meeting was held in the Community and Convention Center,
Visalia, California, March 24, 1975.
Directory of Officers
President:Betty J. Keeling, 154 Osgood, Long Beach 90805
First Vice President:Billie Cain, 391 Arthur Road, Martinez 94553
Second Vice President:Virginia Bynum, 2903 Olive Hwy., Oroville 95965
Secretary-Treasurer:Pat Clements, 19126 Meekland Ave., Hayward 94541
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer:Beverly Burch, 14035 Halcourt, Norwalk 90650
Parliamentarian:Ann Walton, Box 66, Sheridan 95681
Assistant Parliamentarian:Gail Scott, 14955 Ave. 313, Visalia 93277
Left to right — Beverly Burch, Pat Clements, Billie Cain, Betty
Keeling, Virginia Bynum, Ann Walton, and Gail Scott
Directory of District Auxiliaries
and Officers
Dates of District Meetings
Central Coast:
President: Florence Self, 300 N. “X” St., Lompoc 93436
Secretary: Royce Peterson, 7685 San Marcos, Atascadero 93422
Date of Meeting: First Saturday of every quarter
Central Valley:
President: Lavona Woolley, Star Rt., Box 80, Wasco 93280
Secretary: Linda Bergstrasser, 2241 First St., Wasco 93280
Date of Meeting: Second Saturday of each quarter
Northern Coastal:
President: Hazel Hendrix, 124 Jordan St., Vallejo 94590
Secretary: Christine Caves, 2155 Chanticleer, Santa Cruz 95062
Date of Meeting: Third Saturday of first month of each quarter
Paradise Valley:
President: Bernice Grimes, 3154 Sierra, Norco 91760
Secretary: Virginia Vinson, 10514 Nevada, Redlands
Date of Meeting: Second Tuesday of every other month
Sacramento Valley:
President: Martha Housewright, 2861 Churn Ct., Redding 96001
Secretary: Flora Cooper, 5022 Harrison St., North Highlands 95660
Date of Meeting: Fourth Saturday of each quarter
Southern Coastal:
President: Betty Keeling, 154 Osgood, Long Beach 90805
Secretary: Beverly Burch, 14035 Halcourt, Norwalk 90650
Date of Meeting: First Saturday of February, May, August and November
Tri-Valley Association:
No Report Given
of the
3:00 P.M., March 24, 1975
The 1975 session of the State Ladies’ Auxiliary was opened with the sing-
ing of “Is Your All on the Altar?” and “Give of Your Best,” led by Sister
Martha Housewright, Redding.
Following the opening prayer, Sister Maxine Russell, Visalia, gave the
welcome address. The response was given by Sister Edwina Creel, Oildale.
Sister Housewrlght then led the congregation in singing “Make Me A
Sister Carol Hamblen, Second Vice-President, San Jose, directed the bible
reading, Romans 14:12.
The program “The Tyranny of the Urgent” was presented with parts and
specials by the following:
Our Responsibilities
“Our Actions”
Debbie Creel, Eureka
Solo, “I’m His to Command”
Billie Richardson, Lomita
“Our Time”
Ruth Waymire, Carson
“Our Words..
Mary McCalister, Orange
Solo, “To Be Used of God”
Martha Housewright, Redding
“Our Ways”
Pat Clements, Hayward
“Our Works”
Joyce Williams, Santa Rosa
Trio, “Available”
Pat Clements
Rita Christian
Paula Madden
“Our Money”
Charlene Max, Bakersfield
“Our Life”
Rita Christian, Woodbridge
“Important or Urgent?”
Carol Hamblen, San Jose
Following the program, the congregation sang “Take My Life.”
Sister Ann Walton, Sheridan, led in prayer and Sister Betty Keeling, Presi-
dent, Long Beach, declared the Eighteenth Annual State Ladies’ Auxiliary
of the Cooperative Association of Missionary Baptist Churches to be in ses-
The District Auxiliary reports were called for and given as follows:
1. Sacramento Valley—Given by Martha Housewright
2. Central Coast—Given by Linda Fundaro
3. Central Valley—Given by Kathy Phillips
4. Northern Coastal—Given by Christine Caves
5. Paradise Valley—Given by Naoma Crawford
6. Southern Coastal—Given by Beverly Burch
7. Tri-Valley Association—No Report
The Secretary Treasurer’s report was read by Sister Linda Bergstrasser.
Motion and second to adopt the report as read. Motion carried.
Sister Bergstrasser read the budget for 1975:
Minute Fund
Clerk Hire
Program Expense
Visalia Ladies’ Aux., for
floral arrangement
Reserve Fund
A motion and second to adopt the budget as read. Motion carried.
Recommendations for the 1975 goal were called for.
Sister Phyllis Webb of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church gave a report on
C.M.D., the 1974 goal, and placed California Mission Development in nomination
again for the 1975 goal. This was the only nomination and it was elected by the
messengers as the goal for 1975.
The election of officers was the next order of business.
The only nomination for President was Sister Betty Keeling and she was elected.
The nominations for First Vice-President were Billie Cain and Phyllis Webb.
Sister Billie Cain was elected First Vice-President.
The nominations for Second Vice-President were Virginia Bynum, Mary Mc-
Calister and Linda Bergstrasser. Sister Virginia Bynum was elected Second Vice
The nomination for Secretary-Treasurer was Pat Clements. Sister Pat Clements
was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
Nominations for Assistant Secretary-Treasurer were Beverly Burch and Ruth
Waymire. Sister Beverly Burch was elected Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.
Nominations for Parliamentarian were Ann Walton, Gail Scott and Lorneva
Sister Pat Smith made a motion that the second highest be assistant parliamen-
tarian. Seconded and carried.
Sister Ann Walton was elected Parliamentarian with Sister Gail Scott as Assis-
tant Parliamentarian.
Due to the length of the meeting, the majority of the messengers voted not to
stay over for the oral reports and exchange of ideas on spiritual growth as all of the
reports have been printed and were available to everyone.
There were seventy-four auxiliaries represented and a total of $671.39 was sent
to the State meeting of which $201.43 was designated to California Mission Devel-
opment, the state goal.
There were 50 “Yes” votes and 2 “No” votes of the letters on the question “any
excess of funds may be given to State Ladies’ Auxiliary Goal, California Mission
Development.” By the vote of the letters, C.M.D. received $307.25 excess funds.
Sister Evelyn Morley dismissed the meeting in prayer.
Linda Bergstrasser
The name of this organization shall be “Women’s
Auxiliary of the Cooperative Association of Mission-
ary Baptist Churches of California.”
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of this State Auxiliary shall be to en-
courage the women of the local churches to be active
in all phases of the work in which they have the spiri-
tual right to participate, and to encourage the establish-
ment of Auxiliaries in all Missionary Baptist Churches
where none exist.
ARTICLE III - Definition
This Auxiliary shall be composed of messengers of
the local Auxiliaries of the Cooperative Association of
Missionary Baptist Churches of California.
ARTICLE IV - Membership
Each church shall be entitled to three messengers
who have been chosen by her Auxiliary and approved
by the Church.
ARTICLE V - Time and Place
The State Auxiliary will meet annually at the same
time that the Missionary Committee meets.
ARTICLE VI - Officers and
Duties of Officers
The officers of the State Auxiliary shall be:
President, (2) First Vice-President, (3) Second Vice-
President, (4) Secretary-Treasurer, (5) Assistant Sec-
(6) Parliamentarian,
(7) Assistant
The duties of the officers of the State Auxiliary shall
Section I. President: The duties of the President shall
be (1) To preside over all State Meetings, (2) To call
spcial meetings when necessary, (3) To appoint committees
as directed by the Messenger Body, (4) To be active in
looking after the welfare of the work.
Section II: Vice-President: (1) The duty of the First
Vice-President shall be to preside over the meetings in
the absence of the President or when called upon by
the President, (2) The First. Vice-President shall pre-
pare the program for the State Meeting for following
year and to
notify each auxiliary in the absence of the Second Vice-President, (3) The
First Vice-President shall help publicize our elected goal and any other busi-
ness necessary to the district auxiliaries, papers, etc.
The duties of the Second Vice-President shall be: (1) To preside over the
meetings in the absence of the President and First Vice-President or when
called upon by either of them to do so, (2) To prepare the program for the
State Meeting for the following year and to notify each Auxiliary.
Section III: Secretary-Treasurer: The duties of the Secretary Treasurer
shall be: (1) To keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings,
(2) To announce special meetings, (3) To prepare and read reports as in-
structed by the Messenger Body, (4) To prepare and submit to the clerks of
the California Cooperative Association the minutes of each annual meeting,
(5) To receive and disburse funds as designated by the donors, (6) To keep
an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed by the auxiliary, (7)
To present a budget at each annual meeting.
Section IV: Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: The duty of the Assistant Secre-
tary-Treasurer shall be to assist the Secretary-Treasurer in whatever manner
needed in performing the duties of that office.
Section V: Parliamentarian: The duty of the Parliamentarian shall be to of-
fer advice on parliamentary procedure when called upon or when the need
Section VI: Assistant Parliamentarian: The duties of the Assistant Parlia-
mentarian shall be to assist the Parliamentarian in whatever manner needed
in performing the duties of that office.
ARTICLE VII - Election and Term
of Office
All officers shall be elected by nomination and majority vote of the Mes-
senger Body. No officer shall succeed herself more than once consecutively
in any office. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the end
of the session in which they are elected.
ARTICLE VIII - Contributions
All contributions shall be raised by voluntary offerings and shall be given
to the Secretary-Treasurer for proper disbursement.
ARTICLE IX - Committees
Committees shall be appointed by the President except when the President
requests that they be elected.
ARTICLE X - Amendments
These articles may be changd by vote of two-thirds majority of the mes-
Balance brought forward from 1974
$ 90.00
Interest 1974
Received at 1975 Meeting:
Minutes & Clerk Hire
State Goal, C.M.D.
Clerk Hire, 1974
Program Expense
State Goal, C.M.D.
Visalia Ladies Auxiliary
California Mission Development
(excess funds)
Total Disbursements
Balance on Hand
$ 90.00
President: Betty Nichols, 1571 Juno Ave., Anaheim 92804
Secretary: Shirley Barnard, 1723 W. Siva Ave., Anaheim 92804
President: Jeri Hartman, 103 E. Lake Drive, Antioch 94509
Secretary: Phyllis Webb, 2308 McGinley, Antioch 94509
Secretary: Ona Burnett, Box 322, Armona 93202
President: Brenda Maxwell, 251 So. 4th, Grover City 93433
Secretary: Imogene Gilstrap, 839 E. Armstrong, Santa Maria
President: Lora Dynes
Secretary: Linda Fundaro, 7940 Castano, Atascadero
President: Kattie Peoples, 1905 LaFrance Dr., Bakersfield 93304
Secretary: Rosie Lee Craft, 1401 El Toro Dr., Bakersfield 93304
President: Charlene Max, 2011 So. “I”, Bakersfield 93304
Secretary: Peggy Crow, 4213 Kevin Dr., Bakersfield 93308
Secretary: Reva Carter, 505 Easter St., Bakersfield 93307
President: Judy Gibson, 1801 Manley Ave., Bakersfield 93306
Secretary: Gay Story, 1124 Brentwood, Bakersfield 93306
President: Doris Reed, 9322 Rosser St., Bellflower 90706
Secretary: Mary Childs, 14549 Liblen, Bellflower 90706
BELLFLOWER: New Testament:
President: Joyce Brett, 14117 Fairford Ave., Norwalk 90650
Secretary: Candice Fitzpatrick, 6535 Fry St., Bell Gardens 90201
President: Bonnie Downs, Rt. 2, Box 582, Brentwood 94513
Secretary: Hiwanah Davis, 162 Curtis Dr., Brentwood 94513
President: Shirlene Eberhard, 5121 Black Oak Rd., Concord 94521
Secretary: Sandra Tervo, 93 Tahoe Ct., Pleasant Hill 94523
President: Darlene Vernon, 634 Norboe, Corcoran 93212
Secretary: Leona Westbay, P. O. Box 1096, Corcoran 93212
President: Lois Stevens, 681 E. Harvard Ave., Dinuba 93618
Secretary: Floella Cain, 861 First Ave., Dinuba 93618
President: Carolyn Dever, 13436 Bixler Ave., Downey 90242
Secretary: Aurora Barrios, 8513 Comolette St., Downey 90242
President: Norma Pole, Hoopa, Calif.
Secretary: Debbie Creel, 1720 Virginia Way, Arcata
President: Rosa Mae Nicholson, 701 Utah St., Fairfield 94533
Secretary: Laverta Broadley, 342 Arizona St., Fairfield 94533
President: Betty Perdue, 6805 Douglas Blvd., No. 59, Roseville 95678
Secretary: Pat Cooper, 118 McKeenan Dr., Folsom 95630
President: Sue Nelson, 478 So. Fortuna Blvd., Fortuna 95540
Secretary: Darlene Dorris, 1696 Clara Ave., Fortuna 95540
President: Leavie Sykes, P. 0. Box 467, Freedom 95019
Secretary: Wanda Lathrop, 339 Locust St., Watsonville 95076
President: Wilma Fisher, 6083 Madelaine Dr., Newark 94560
Secretary: Beth Weaver, 7341 Birkdale Dr., Newark 94560
FRESNO, Calvary:
President: Marie Poole, 3645 E. Clay, Fresno 93702
Secretary: Mary Johnson, 4483 E. Washington, Fresno 93702
FRESNO, First:
President: Jimmie Smelser, 697 E. San Carlos, Fresno
Secretary: Joyce Williams, 12329 Rd. 26, Madera 93637
FRESNO, McKinley:
President: Betty Albritten, 2024 N. Katy Lane, Fresno 93705
Secretary: Ann Wilson, 6815 W. Yale, Fresno 93705
President: Etta Morrison, 1214 Wildwood Dr., Los Angeles 90042
Secretary: Melinda Parrill, 430 W. Broadway, Glendale 91204
President: Susan Brown, 1394 Onyx Rd., Livermore 94550
Secretary: Vi Henry, 951 Dilly, San Leandro 94578
President: Alvie Anderson, P. O. Box 426 Empire 95319
Secretary: Alta Helvey, 3206 Santa Fe Ave., Hughson 95326
President: Judy Olson, 827 Holly Dr., Lodi 95240
Secretary: Marie Barr, Box 644, Victor 95253
President: Billie Richardson, 439 W. 229th, Carson 90745
Secretary: Marilyne Nunley, 22325 S. Main, No. 135, Carson 90745
President: Sandy Patrick, 206 No. “B” St., Lompoc 93436
Secretary: Bonnie Mathes, 1012 No. Poppy, Lompoc 93436
LONG BEACH, Dominguez:
(Day Auxiliary)
President: Patsy Dow, 2616 Jackson St., Long Beach 90810
Secretary: Bonnie Sappington, 411 Daroca, Long Beach 90804
(“Nettle Holliday Circle”)
President: Penny Hull, 2636 Madison, Long Beach 90810
Secretary: Joan Shramek, 2572 Washington, Long Beach 90810
President: Dolly Lunk, 9413 Oak St., Bellflower 90706
Secretary: Joyce Kelley, 9625 Compton Blvd., Bellflower 90706
President: Odessa Swinney, 5166 Niland, Lynwood 90262
Secretary: Viki Smith, 10326 Stanford Ave.,
South Gate 90280
President: Billie Cain, 391 Arthur Rd., Martinez 94553
Secretary: Minnie L. Duncan, 1131 Shell Ave., Martinez 94553
President: Helen Goodwin, 1515 14th Ave., Delano
Secretary: Pauline T. Hampton, Rt. 1, Box 224, Earlimart
President: June Marie Larimore, 228 No. San Antonio, Ontario
Secretary: Shirl St. Clair, 950 East ‘T” St., Ontario
President: Ruby E. Hannah, 705 Willow Ave., Manteca 95336
Secretary: Donna Martin, 2309 Coston Ave., Modesto 95350
President: Judy Williams, 4191 Big Ranch Rd., Napa 94558
Secretary: Shirley Weathers, 862 Pueblo Ave., Napa 94558
President: La Dean Paslay, 955 Cole St, Norco 91760
Secretary: Jeannette Cash, 2657 Corona Ave., Norco 91760
President: Delores Walker, 4145 Worthington Dr., No. Highlands 95660
Secretary: Roberta Callaway, 4020 Santa Fe, No. Highlands 95660
President: Judy Burks, 11601 Fidel, Whittier 90706
Secretary: Paula Hoover, 8731 Pasco, Paramount
President: Mable Crain, P. O. Box 152, Valley Home 95384
Secretary: Darleen Haley, 7342 Richardson Rd., Oakdale 95361
President: Ruby Jones, Rt. 2, Box 750, Brentwood 94513
Secretary: Norma Robinson, Rt. 2, Box 119, Oakley 94561
President: Pamela Harmon, 2904 Marlene Pl., Bakersfield
Secretary: Shirlee Pike, 1405 Ivan Ave., Bakersfield 93304
President: Helen Jahnke, 4645 Virginia Ave., Orovllle 95965
Secretary: Georgina Elam, Olive Hwy., Oroville 95965
President: Wilma Williams, 5410 Cloyne St., Oxnard 93030
Secretary: Lavinia Stephens, 811 Gaviota Way, Oxnard 93030
President: Jimmie Sloan, 1913 Biglow Dr., Antioch 94509
Secretary: Louise Mott, 253 El Camino Dr., Pittsburg 94565
President: LaNett Heinold, 286 W. Euclid Pl., Upland 91786
Secretary: Joyce Jenkins, P. O. Box FD., Barstow 92311
President: Martha Brown, 582 No. Matthew, Porterville 93257
Secretary: Marcella Bishop, 1631 W. Kanai, Porterville 93257
President: Martha Housewright 2861 Churn Ct, Redding 96001
Secretary: Jan Bryant, 3679 Alta Mesa Dr., Redding 96001
President: Delores Barber, 918 E. Deleware St., Redlands 92373
Secretary: Maggie Youngquist, 913 E. Delaware St, Redlands 92373
President: Jan Hodges, 15551 Romar, Sepulveda
Secretary: Elaine DeIorio, 10659 Despeoin Pl., Chatsworth 91311
President: Ruth Mickle, P. 0. Box 1232, Ridgecrest 93555
Secretary: Jo Baker, 436 W. Wilson, Ridgecrest 93555
President: Joyce Loveless, P. 0. Box 405, Riverbank 95367
Secretary: Ophelia Tackett 3520 Terminal St., Riverbank 95367
President: Drothy Zgraggen, 4329 46th Ave., Sacramento 95824
Secretary: Helen Dees, 7933 Bradshaw Rd., Sacramento 95823
SACRAMENTO, Faith Landmark:
President: Mary Moore, 10039 Nefula Way, Sacramento
Secretary: Glorle Hinds
President: Janice Bernasconi, 67 Rosarlta Dr., Salinas 93901
Secretary: Gladys White, 1416 Alma, Salinas 93901
President: Hazel Davis, 792 Laurie Ave., Santa Clara 95050
Secretary: Patti Murphree, 609 Serenade Way, San Jose 95111
President: Betty Brown, 855 Amestl Rd, Watsonville
Secretary: Sandra West, 1041 Cayuga St., Santa Cruz 95062
President: Jan Chambliss, 502 Garfield Park Ave., Santa Rosa 95404
Secretary: Lee Dunk, 2139 Mission Blvd., Santa Rosa 95405
President: Marilyn Miller, 433 Mark, Shafter 93263
Secretary: Elva Preston, 241 E. Lerdo, Shafter 93263
President: Helen Kelley, P. 0. Box 137, Sheridan 95681
Secretary: Geraldine Sims, P. 0. Box 99, Wheatland 95692
President: Eunice Brizendine, 1569 E. Downing, Simi 93065
Secretary: Paulette Barnett, 1933 Metz Ct., Simi 93065
President: Euvis Patterson, 10527 Capistrano St., South Gate 90280
Secretary: Dayle Duke, 12214 Julius Rd., Downey 90242
STOCKTON, Eastside:
President: Roberta Gates, 941 S. Gertrude, Stockton
Secretary: Louise Crossland, 16447 South Austin Rd., Manteca 95336
STOCKTON, Landmark:
President: Anna Crawford, 920 S. Searchlight St., Stockton 95205
Secretary: Ruth Moss, 854 S. Drake Ave., Stockton
STOCKTON, Mt. Olive:
President: Mary Lewis, 1230 E. Hazelton Ave., Stockton 95205
Secretary: Jayne Wooding, 2040 E. Fourth St., Stockton 92506
President: Edna Callahan, 2326 So. Church, Visalia 93277
Secretary: Lucille Ireik, 608 Willow Lane, Tulare 93274
President: Mae Mooring, 1205 Taylor Ave., Vallejo 94590
Secretary: Rava Patterson, 2549 Alameda St., Vallejo
President: Donna Moberly, 3818 W. Cambridge, Visalia 93277
Secretary: Marjorie Mackey, 1445 E. Honolulu, Lindsay 93247
President: Glenda Wright, 1201 4th St., Wasco 93280
Secretary: Lavona Woolley, Star Rt., Box 80, Wasco 93280
President: Hazel Dye, 5871 E. Fairlane Rd., Acampo
Secretary, Sadie Waddle, 5790 E. Jahant Rd., Galt 95632